Financial Abundance Unrelated to Work

What was on your manifestation list?

3 months ago I put on my list that I would like to receive £1000 that does not come from my salary, bonuses or shares tied to my employment (I have no other streams of income) 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?

Since February 2019 when I started on the Pathway I completed - Shadow - Unblocked NO (2x) - Full Moon (monthly) - Inner Child - currently working through - DREs - only got into them in November for the first time. Shadow and Unblocked NO left a very strong impression, especially Unblocked NO - it's my favourite workshop. It is just so simple and straightforward. I eliminated some toxic relationships from my life and stopped putting up with disrespectful behaviours from people in my life which made me feel small.

What Expanders did you find?

I was not consciously looking but did get some inspiration from TBM Facebook group where members shared manifestations of free things coming in.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?

I have not consciously noticed any. I sure spent a lot of money during the last 3 months, which is not an issue in itself. I just could not imagine money can come in any other way than through my employment, but it proved to be not the case at all 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.

Not during this manifestation. Throughout the 3 months period I just kept an eye out for any amount I received, and added each one to my list. They seemed to have come through at regular intervals. With only 3 days to go I am not sure if I would hit my target, but nearly £800 out of £1000 is very strong, and I am celebrating! 

How did your manifestation come through?

Here's what's come in over the last 3 months £150 cash as a 10-year employment anniversary gift £200 a NYC restaurant somehow did not charge my card for a massive dinner & drinks for two which was a thank-you gift for a friend who let me stay with her during my visit £200 Black Friday price-match with AllSaints retailer where I've done some major shopping over November (by then I'd worn all the items and didn't have to show them, just the receipts) £55 refund from Everlane for a damaged item, which I don't even need to send back to USA from London £60 from a friend who paid me to pick up some items I get at work "for free" as part of my employment package £100 or so in additional discounts negotiated at West Elm bed linen, beyond what was on offer (ask, ask, ask!) I am yet to reach my full target, but so happy with £600 or so that was manifested out of nowhere this time! I recently started a small healing practice and currently providing guidance to friends for free, but already got asked a few times by others in my extended network how much my services are - this is my next step!


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