Clarity on What Masculinity Means to Me

I came into my sessions with Amanda at a point where I was frustrated with the work and had nearly decided to drop it. I let my subscription to the Pathway lapse and was ready to ditch the process of this work altogether. I felt I’d done a lot of unblocking and sorted out the roots of many of my unhealthy patterns of thought, but nothing was coming through in terms of manifestations. But, I renewed my subscription, and shortly afterward, Amanda nominated me for a trial run of her coaching sessions. 

Later, I realized that I had manifested these coaching sessions as I had been saying to myself, “I wish Lacy would see how frustrated I am with the work and say to herself that she’s going to work one-on-one with me to give me clarity.” Amanda gave me that clarity and utterly changed my understanding of the work, and in doing both of those, she changed my life. She is direct and kind, as well as thoughtful and forward moving. The combination of all of those energies took my confusion and pushed aside all of its noise and revealed what really was at work in my patterns of thinking, what I needed to work on Unblocking, and that I needed to do to move forward toward my manifestations.

 As a man, I have always felt muddled by polar ideas of masculinity, either the very thoughtful nerdy type, or the very athletic “dude-bro.” Amanda introduce me to a new way of thinking (and a book called “The Way of the Superior Man) that has reframed masculinity for me as pursuing my life’s purpose and giving my gift of that mission with unwavering love and humor - I finally feel like I have a grasp of what it means to be a man. My sessions with Amanda have guided me to a deeper and more fearless approach to the work, and I now revel in shadow work and embracing the muck, trusting that there is freedom on the other side. She is hugely expansive for me, and her support and energy has given me the strength of having a community in this work. 

I have manifested clarity in my path, resolve in dropping what doesn’t serve, and bravery and strength in standing in my worth due to my sessions with her. I know that physical manifestations and manifestations in terms of career and eventually love, are on the way! I recommend with all of my heart a session with Amanda! She understands this work fully, and in a single session will guide you as to what to work on, clarity of thought, and to the actions, you need to take to step into your worth and welcome in your manifestations!




The Perfect Friend


Stepping Into My Worth in Friendship & Career