A Life Changing Coaching Session


Name: Melinda Lim

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I would love to share my coaching experience with Atarah Valentine!

I've been doing the work since October 2019, with some manifestations in my career coming through, but nothing major. In June 2020, after some triggering events happened that started an emotional mini-rock bottom, I dug deep into the work and started to re-do all of the workshops. I started with Unblocked Shadow, and about halfway through, I decided to book a coaching session with Atarah. His podcast episode really resonated with me, and I felt like I needed some help figuring out what blocks I needed to focus on.

Within 15 minutes of our session, he knew there was some reparent work I really needed to dive into. He gave me exercises to pinpoint shadow words that I needed to integrate just based on what I told him about my relationship with both of my parents. He also provided me with resources that I could use in my conscious state to make everything more well-rounded. With the homework he gave me and books I found about reparenting (I'm really into book work, and love pairing a book with this work). I started to really sink my teeth into the shadow and inner child parts of TBM.

After that coaching session, I finished Unblocked Shadow, moved through Unblocked Inner Child, and then into Unblocked Money. I made sure to complete Atarah's homework and continued to do DREs and DIs when I wasn't in the workshops. I listened to every Supported episode. I also began the Wholehearted flower remedy by Alexis Smart. I started to gather up expanders in the ways that felt aligned with me - I found podcasts that resonated with me, I read books that felt aligned, and I started a curated Instagram of expanders. Along the way, I manifested smaller things. I manifested a sound bath course that was about $1400 for $150. I bought a deadstock sweater that retailed for $500 for $100. I manifested a free hour of career coaching. I found an Instapot for 40% off.

As I moved through Unblocked Money and outed my money and career shame - which is deeply connected to my reparenting work - I started manifesting entrepreneur expanders. I never even thought about owning my own business, but I started to see women entrepreneurs who were first-generation immigrants just like me. I started getting opportunities to learn more about personal finance, which put me into contact with more women entrepreneurs who were expanders before I even knew that I wanted to start my own business.

Then I took the leap and started my own spiritual newsletter and started giving private tarot readings. I also hosted a tarot salon that was fully booked within 12 hours, and I had a waitlist that was twice as long as the number of attendees. None of this would have been possible if I hadn't done the work prior to this and if I hadn't done the homework Atarah gave me. Basically, I didn't have high enough self-worth to think I could ever do something that was totally my own thing. This was where I was when I booked my second session with Atarah.

He helped me realize that I was calling in entrepreneur expanders even before I had consciously decided to start my newsletter and tarot business. This was super helpful as I've continued to manifest expanders - I've even MET a few of them in real life (virtually because of COVID)! I also got the opportunity to hire a career coaching team that was my expanders a month before.

Atarah also helped me figure out where I needed to continue to build worth in order to make the most of my Uplevel. He helped me tie that to inner child work to make sure that I'm not just taking care of my present subconscious state, but also taking care of little me as I move through this Uplevel. The homework he gives feels so tailored to my exact experiences, and even just reading it helps me feel like I'm on the right path with this work!

After my first session with Atarah, I made a promise to invest in myself and book a session with him quarterly to check-in and get guidance as I move through the work. After just two sessions, I definitely feel like I'm making the most out of my Pathway membership! For me, it is always reassuring and helpful to get the perspective of someone else who has done this work so they can help direct my focus in the most aligned way!

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @seventyeightcards

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Filipino and Chinese American. Both of my parents are immigrants, and I grew up middle class. I'm also a Capricorn sun, Gemini moon, and Libra rising. Splenic manifestor 1/3.


Inner Child / Shadow / Money


Proof That Timing Matters


Developing Self Love & Finding Healing