Developing Self Love & Finding Healing

Name: Amber Archibald

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Health. Self-worth. Being and living from authenticity. Understanding who I really am.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: The roadmaps, Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, Uplevel.

What expanders did you find?: Lacy Phillips, Amanda Chantal Bacon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Karen Hurd, Unique Hammond, My husband, Shiva Rose, Laurel Gallucci, Mary Helen Bowers, Carrie Anne Moss

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: SO MANY!

I was falling back into familiar patterns. Denial. Body Shame. Not looking authentically at who I am and why I've made certain choices. Fear. I failed all my tests at one point. Then I passed several versions of the same tests. I fell back into familiar patterns of "why is this happening to me," "How am I responsible for my illness?" "If I had more money, I could afford the things and people that could heal me." "I'm afraid to have surgery; I'm afraid of what I will look like after."

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: YES! After three years of doctor visits and lab tests coming back fine and negative for several autoimmune diseases, I had a doctor tell me he thought I was suffering from depression, and that's why I was having so many unexplained symptoms. I went home and cried, felt completely defeated. I then decided I know in my heart I have done everything I can to heal, to find out what's wrong with me, to seek multiple doctors for opinions. 

I spent time on my authentic self. I had done the Pathway workshops and DI's since July 2019. I journaled. I listened to almost every podcast and supported video. Then I finally surrendered. I accepted that perhaps, I'm dying. Perhaps I'll never get better. And perhaps I could let go and love myself and my life anyway. That was the hardest experience I've ever faced with myself. Being accepting of the whole truth. That was September 11th, 2020.

How did your manifestation come through?: October 25th, 2020, my step mom (the least likely person on the planet to call me with what she was about to say) told me that a pop up on her computer had an article on Breast Implant Illness and that every symptom I had (for over three years) was on the list. She asked me if I could please look into this. So I went home that day, looked into it (I'd never heard anything about it before), and found out not only was this happening to hundreds of thousands of women but that my implants had been recalled! I knew at that moment; the implants were slowly killing me. 

I called the surgeon Monday morning, and three weeks later, on Friday, November 13th, I had them and the capsules removed. They had both ruptured, and not even the surgeon knew. My family offered to loan me the ten thousand dollars to have them removed as I've been unable to work for three years. I had implants for 12 years. I didn't hesitate FOR A SECOND to have them removed. I knew this was my time, and I knew this was the truth. 

If I hadn't spent 18 months working through the Pathway, frustrated to no end that all I wanted was health even though Lacy said she hadn't cracked the code, and have done this work every day anyway, I would not have been able to face the truth. That when I got implants, I was ashamed of my body. And that I had been afraid to take them out because of what I would look like after. There is nothing more important than health, and that's all I wanted. I was able to raise my true self worth high enough that when the time came, I could face my fear, my shame, my inauthenticity, and choose the truth. 

I thank Lacy, this community, my expanders, myself, and God for the strength to look at myself in the mirror and choose self-love, health, and healing. I would not have listened to the truth had I not had the self-awareness and self-worth to hear it.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: strong_and_free_living

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I grew up in the Canadian wilderness with total granola parents. I was raised a Christian and also kind of a pagan earth child as my mom taught me about astrology, crystal healing, earth energy, and conspiracy theories. My dad taught me numerology. We were mostly vegetarians. My dad is adopted, but was told he's Scottish. My mom is half black and also Cherokee, Asian, Irish.


A Life Changing Coaching Session


Facing Blocks & New Opportunities