Facing Blocks & New Opportunities

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Name: Melanie Beckwith

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I have journalled and manifested for years, and from as far back as I can remember, I wanted to manifest being a model. I was always told I wasn't tall enough or small enough. Fast forward to one of my journal entries in the summer of 2015, I had been divorced for one year, and my kids and I moved 6 hours away from our home town for us to start fresh. Figure who Mel was.

On my 2015 list was to work with pro athletes, travel for work/pleasure, write a book, speak at a Ted Talk, create a brand that is life-changing, move to Calgary, Alberta, and be in a healthy loving relationship with an amazing man. Moving to Spring of 2020, I manifested working with pro athletes in winter of 2015. I moved to Calgary in the summer of 2017 and I traveled a couple of times with an NHL client as his Stretch Therapist in 2018/2019. I wrote a chapter in a book that was published in April 2020, and one of my quotes in the book was Lacy's (I had not started her work yet when I wrote my chapter either. 

I believe I am an epic manifestor, but I started to feel less powerful with it. I had listened to Lacy for a couple of years and had the ping ( I did not know they were called pings; I just called it a feeling) when COVID hit to start the work and join the pathway, and I joined in June 2020. Since then, I have written my list out again, a newer version. My 2020 version was a Macbook air computer, a loving, healthy relationship, career clarity-start a business, create a brand, pay off debt, start a non-profit, grey kitchen stools. I have manifested the macbook air and the stools. 

TBM work has allowed me to face the blocks I have, pass some tests, but also it helps me notice how I sometimes need the same test over and over before I get it. I had really become aware of the manifestations I had before that were anxious controlling manifestations, but the real work comes when you peel back all the shit that is underneath. I know that I have good things coming to me; I just need to do the work on myself. So TBM has been my tool for uncovering it all.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I have worked through How to Manifest, Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Inner child, Unblocked Money, started Unblocked Love, Unblocked No, Uplevel, Authentic Code, and I use the DRE about 4-5 times per week. I just started the free roadmap library.

I have money blocks, love blocks, trust issues, mainly trusting myself, and abandonment blocks.

What expanders did you find?: My expanders are a few moms that I know: Mel, Tracy, Julie, Tricia, Chrissy, Oprah, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kristen Cavallari, and a few dads that I know: Mike and Keith.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I faced tests with unexpected bills, guys from the past showing up or guys that I would normally have fallen for that kept me in low self-worth, and tests with boundaries.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: yes, I kinda feel like I might be in the magic dark right now. It seems as if nothing is happening for me, and I am continuing the work every day, sometimes two times a day. I will do a workshop than a DRE later in the day or a DRE than listen to Supported or a podcast episode.

How did your manifestation come through?: Well, the early ones that came through, like my book and the move to Calgary, I just jumped off a cliff. I knew I wanted to do both and if it didn't work out, "at least I tried" was how I felt. I manifested my computer over quarantine. I didn't want to pay full price and ended up getting $300 dollars off and free air pods (which my daughter wanted for university). The stools were from my neighbors. They were moving out of their place and asked if I wanted their kitchen counter stools, and they matched perfectly in my house.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: melanie1512

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Ukrainian/polish




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