Reviving An Old Flame & An Amazing Career


Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

1. A full-time position (my first) with an amazing salary.

2. An apartment with lots of light, wood floors, stainless steel appliances, and white walls.

3. Career expanders.

4. A partner.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I started by listening to the Expanded Podcast consistently for about ten months. I felt like I couldn't afford a pathway membership, but now I realized that I was making excuses not to dig into the work. I did the free clarity exercise a few times, and it was magic. I had never gotten into a state of hypnosis like that before, and I immediately felt a difference between that and the other guided meditations I had done in the past. 

After joining the pathway, I started with "How To Manifest," and then moved into "Unblocked Inner Child" and "Unblocked Shadow." The blocks I uncovered surrounded my relationship with my dad. My parents got divorced when I was three and then got back together when I was 6. However, they have remained married since my dad has left to live in other states a few times throughout my childhood. I realized that I had never dealt with the feelings I had surrounding my parent's divorce when I was three or the fact that my dad left us again twice when I was older. 

My fear of abandonment was ruling my life, and I was none the wiser until I dug into this work. I had tried talk therapy for the first time a couple of months before I joined the pathway after getting to a point in which I expressed thoughts of suicide to my mom, but after three sessions, I didn't really see any progress. This work is powerful.

What expanders did you find?: I got an internship before I got the amazing full-time job on my list. The internship was for a company I've been dreaming of working at since I was literally five years old. When I quit my internship to embark on my next venture, the director of my department (a pretty significant amount of layers of hierarchy above me) whom I looked up to immensely from afar scheduled a meeting with me, talked to me about how she got where she was, and offered me her advice, mentorship, and gave me her personal phone number. I also manifested a new best friend/expander that is a ski guide and outdoor enthusiast that has taught me how to have a good work/life balance.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I started listening to the Expanded Podcast after getting out of an awful relationship that left me raw and broken. After months of listening and trying to work on myself, a love interest came into my life whom I have known for multiple years but had never been romantic with. We started dating, and everything felt perfect; he offered me everything that my previous boyfriend didn't and made me feel so amazing. He was part of a religion that I was not, and that played a big role in his life. We talked about how if we were to get married, he wouldn't mind that I was not a member of his church. But as time wore on, I noticed that my self-worth was waning as a result of not feeling good enough because I wasn't part of his religion. 

I was slowly starting to try to conform to his ideal of myself, and it was damaging. I broke up with him and immediately plummeted into a rock bottom. This was a test, and although I eventually came to the conclusion that this wasn't right for me, it took me a while to get there. A week later, I broke my arm, quit my job, and moved back in with my parents. The tests I faced subsequently were surrounding my health. I started binge-eating and using food to make myself feel small. I felt physically terrible, and my self-worth was really low. 

After joining the pathway proper, the Health & Body DI helped me recover. After working through How to Manifest and Inner Child, I felt ready to jump off a cliff and apply for a job I wasn't qualified for. Long story short, I got the job! I was still in school and signed a contract that I would finish school before the end of the year in order to keep my job. That day, I got an email from a school counselor informing me that I had forgotten to register for my last semester (something that I had never done before and is completely out of character), and a class that I needed to graduate was full. I was crushed. 

My dreams of starting my new job and moving to my very own apartment in a new city were crushed. Instead of using this as a scapegoat to stay small, I stood in my worth and decided that I was going to work with my counselor on other options, but mostly just trust the universe. I found an amazing apartment. I started dating an amazing guy, moved out of my parent's house, and started my job. I didn't get into the class for another few months, but in the meantime, I felt this amazing release in letting go and trusting the universe. I was absolutely certain that I was on the right path and that everything was going to work out— and it did.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: After joining the pathway, doing "How to Manifest" and "Inner Child," and creating my manifestation list, I was told by a friend that he randomly ran into a guy that I had fleetingly dated three years prior. I had met this guy on Tinder, we had zero friends in common, he was living in a town an hour away from me, but randomly a new friend of mine's boyfriend had worked with him and saw him at a retirement party for their old boss. The quick relationship ended badly as I was immature and wasn't ready to have an adult relationship, and I ended up ghosting him. They had apparently talked about me, and I decided that I was going to reach out to this man I hadn't talked to for three years. 

We had a good conversation over Instagram messages, and I got to apologize for some things that had been on my mind for years. We planned to meet up for coffee. It was good to see him, and I got to apologize for things I had done in person and have a mature conversation. Afterward, I went home and thought about how much I liked him and wanted to be with him. Instead of letting myself obsess over this and try to muscle a relationship into fruition, I decided that I was going to trust the universe, not reach out to him again, and if things were meant to be, they would be. 

I continued to work through my blocks in the "Shadow" workshop, work on my relationship with my body, and sit in trust. I also applied for a new job. A little over a month of magic dark later, he reached out to me and asked me to get together; I got my new job and had the plans in place to get a new apartment. Although everything was in flux and moving semi-slow, I just had this amazing gut feeling that everything was going to work out.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @graybroadbent

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I'm culturally Mormon and from Utah. My parents grew up in the Mormon church, but I never got baptized. My extended family is Mormon though, and I've grown up with a lot of Mormon influence and religious indoctrination,


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