A Ping for My Husband & Accomplishing Goals

Name: Katie Terrell Ramos

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: So, I am going to write everything from all of the lists I have made that I can remember.... I have been making a list for four years now and when I found this work, I realized I've been doing what Lacy says without understanding why it was working! Now that I have the DI's and the unblocking work my magnetism has totally sky rocketed!

-Write, illustrate, and self-publish a book I've dreamed of writing for years

-a Made By Minga hat

-Christmas stockings


-My Wedding

-My husband and our "meet story" haha

-Our engagement

-Our wedding

-My dream job (which surprisingly ended up being a bridge job for something even better)

-A moped

-A woven blanket

-Expensive art for our house

-Our house

-My lavender farm (I still can't believe this one came through so beautifully!)

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I worked through all of the workshops right away when I started. I've gone back and used the Unblocked Inner Child SO much to work on a block that was totally holding me back. I realized I was taught by my mom that I needed to be liked by everyone. I realized this over and over, and it finally became clear it was the main thing holding me back when I caught a few triggers and really dove into why I was triggered. An ex-boyfriend from high-school (ha forever ago) was still on my mind, and I had this nag to look him up and see how he was doing. 

Then I had a nag to look up my old employer, who I had a rough parting with, and see how she was doing. Well, I passed the test. I realized that I was being triggered because I wasn't "liked" by these two people anymore, and it was really getting to me subconsciously. Anyway, I could physically feel the release the day that I unblocked it. 

This was the same day that my edits for the book started making me realize just how successful this book is going to be... I mean, I am stunned with the final product. Ya, I did the work, and I made it, but shoot... it's definitely something I used my magnetism to bring in. I used the Magnetic Self and Authentic Self DIs at least four times a week and realized that this helps me stay in my creative flow when illustrating!

What expanders did you find?: Joanna Gaines, Rachel Brathen, Lacy Phillips, Raphael Lopez, Cruz Ortiz, my husband, my amazingly talented in-laws, and now the girl gang of fellow artists that I manifested into my life!

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Gosh, where to begin. Well, let me list them out, so it's easier to read...

-Wanting to look up old connections and "check on them" - I passed this and physically felt the positive effect it had on me!

-My mom telling me to wear make-up and make sure I was "presentable" - Passed! I'll be honest, though, my husband was a HUGE expander for this, and I couldn't have done it without him!

-My hat - I wanted a sexy, expensive hat. I could have bought one, and man did every opportunity show up to do so... I passed the test, though. I ended up waiting, and I won the hat I wanted a few weeks later.

-My husband - I was dating a guy before I met my husband; that was a big test. I passed... one day, I had a "ping" that he wasn't the right guy (even though he had SO much of what I wanted on my list). Two weeks later, I met my husband on a plane ride to NYC on a trip to see friends that I literally bought the ticket for the day before!

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: YES. I seem to have a magic dark that lasts 2-6 weeks. I can always tell I'm in a magic dark because I start to think, "what should I be doing with my time?" and then I take that time to practice a ton of self-love and self-care. Then I start learning and educating myself in whatever interests me... then once I give myself that attention, it ends, and the manifestations come through!

How did your manifestation come through?: Hum... this question makes me wonder if you wanted me to just talk about one manifestation. I am going to keep everything in there, though, because I am just so excited to share all of them. I am a "non-specific manifestor", which is sweet because that means stuff seems to come through even BETTER than I imagined. I think the biggest one recently that I can think of is the lavender farm! 

I've been manifesting a lavender farm for a year now. I didn't know what it would look like or how it would really come about, but we ended up finding a spot that is better than my wildest dreams. We have a canyon on the property that seriously looks like something that should be in a national park, and it has a barn for the wedding venue/ yoga retreat space that I've wanted to create.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @cuposunshine

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I grew up in suburbia in Colorado in a middle-class family. I was taught that success only comes when you work really, really hard.




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