Back-to-Back Pay Raises For The First Time Ever!


Name: Marissa Berrini

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I'm a nonspecific generator, but I've manifested a majority of my list. Items include almost tripling my income, free trips to a few different locations/events, a new gong, and many more things. But most of all, my marriage and my relationship with myself improved tremendously, thanks to the daily practice.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I started with How to Manifest, Unblocked Shadow, and Unblocked Inner Child. Those three helped me secure a full-time position and a free trip to Sundance. After, I did Unblock Money and Unblocked Shadow again. This manifested into back-to-back promotions that increased my salary by $45k within three months. A few months later, I was calling in another promotion but received a shiny job offer (aka test) that was an increase of another $45k. 

It was everything on my list except for a couple of things that I thought were minor, so I accepted. It turns out it was a test and boy, did I run into the fire. The burn still hurts (but it's healing)! Even though that was a test, I was able to receive so many gifts during that experience: self-care, saving for a FU fund (which saved me during COVID), and I manifested my severance package when I was laid off (a huge blessing that I also manifested). My go-to's for that time was Rockbottom and Unblocked No.

I do the work daily and repeat the workshops when I feel it applies to what I am seeing come up in terms of triggers or what I am calling in. Uplevel - Rock Bottom saved me multiple times, and the Rut completely blew my mind during this past summer. I never knew I was in a rut until I committed to the Rut workshop daily DI practice for 60 days.

I unblocked many levels of trauma and old stories. I discovered a whole new lifestyle that involves self-care, community (thanks to the Pathway), and I continue to learn so much from this process.

What expanders did you find?: Thanks to the EXPANDED podcast, I've found many expanders and new approaches to discovering them. I took Lacy's advice and set up an IG account that has my expanders. It's interesting how crucial my expanders are for my health goals. Whenever I feel like not working out or meditating, I check in with my expanders and get a much-needed dose of motivation.

I've also found expanders for being seen, spirituality, and home. I'm currently trying to find fragment expanders for my next jump in my career.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I've had many over the years, but my MEGA test came in the form of three experiences layered upon each other. After receiving my shiny new job, I received a call that my mother had just had heart surgery. I immediately left to be with my family. During that time, my husband was facing his own test and wasn't doing well. The day my mom was in surgery again, this time for internal bleeding, I was hit with two calls: one from my work letting me know someone was aggressively trying to oust me so they could have my job and another from my husband in a health crisis. 

I truly felt I was in the eye of the storm. I could see the energetics of it all circling around me. The old me would have been on the floor, crying and reaching out to everyone and their dog for help. But during this mega test, I was able to come out of it with a new level of self. The result was: standing up for my position at work, getting my husband the help he needed without losing myself in the process, and holding space for my family with my mother's health experience without being the caregiver. If I hadn't been doing the work daily, I don't think that's how the story would have unfolded. Again grateful for this process!

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Oh man, magic darks really do exist! I've had a few since starting TBM when it launched online. I'm currently in one that's probably been the longest one of my life, but I'm patient as I know something amazing will come through.

One of my most memorable magic darks was right before I got my back-to-back promotions. I was doing the work intensely and couldn't figure out why nothing was coming through. I just kept hearing Lacy's voice say, eat sh*t with grace (hilarious btw). I was getting so many triggers I thought there was a sign on my back. The triggers came through work relationships and tests that involved standing in my worth. After finding the grace (which did not come easily), I was able to rise to the next level.

How did your manifestation come through?: My manifestation for the back-to-back promotions came in after a series of tests and triggers. Previously I had such low self-worth that once I started to communicate effectively vs. reactionary for myself, my manifestation came in and then some. I've been in the game for a while and have never received two promos with salary increases so close together. It was 100% due to TBM and me doing the work daily, listening to the podcast, and Supported.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @marissaberrini

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: My background is Scottish/Welsh/Irish/Spanish. I grew up in the Southwest with a mother that was a single mom of 3 kids (divorced + widowed). My father passed away when I was six months. I had five caretakers within the first three years of my life and moved about five times in 5 years. I never realized how much of that influenced me until doing the work. Grateful for this program!


A Ping for My Husband & Accomplishing Goals


A Year of Non-Stop Upleveling