Reframing A Disappointing Situation

Name: Sunn Mixon

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: A super part-time remote job in the health field that would pay me well so that I could pay all of my bills so I could focus on my own business without being stressed about money or time.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: All of them! I focused heavily on the desperation roadmap, the Rut, Next Level, and the prosperity DI. My blocks were around self-worth, feeling good enough, feeling qualified, feeling wanted, needing validation from others.

What expanders did you find?: My friend, as well as other coaches I have seen on Instagram who have their business but also work part-time to take the burden off of their business.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Many self-worth tests, tests in my relationship, emotional triggers, and tests in clarity. I was also feeling soooo much desperation as my FU fund was running out, and I was afraid I would never find anything during a pandemic.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I think I experienced a very small magic dark, maybe a few weeks at most. It was like crickets from everywhere, and it was hard not to get scared, but I had an unwavering feeling that something good was coming.

How did your manifestation come through?: A friend I was doing some very minimal VA work for told me that she was selling her business because she wanted to go in a different direction. At first, I was upset because I was hoping her business would grow to the point that I could work more for her. She has always been a huge expander for me. 

I told her that I really needed to find something that could pay me enough to cover my bills, and she told me that the company she was working part-time at was hiring. She was able to get me in without an interview or resume needed. I know I work only 15 hours a week and can pay all of my bills and more while having time to work in my business.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @Desertsunnwellness @sunnchildd

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: My family moved around the US a lot when I was young, but I was mainly raised in upstate NY


Roadmaps / Uplevel


Finding Stability In What I Love


A Ping for My Husband & Accomplishing Goals