Finding Stability In What I Love


Name: Shani Silver

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I'm a nonspecific manifestor, so I often have items on my lists that are broad and relate more to my authentic code than to a specific item. For my purposes here, you should know I've been calling in earning an abundant living via work that I love—not through work that's inauthentic since I started this work two years ago. Over the last two years, I have slowly dropped inauthentic work, rejecting offers for work that does not light me up, and have gradually added portals of income through work that I really enjoy. 

At this point, very little to none of my work feels like an energetic mismatch. This is SO FAR AWAY from where I was two years ago, in the startup world hellhole where my self-worth was roughly the size of the period at the end of this sentence. To love my work, I need to work for myself, and now I do. So many portals are open and my work these days centers on abundance flowing through them.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: For two years, I have been doing my own daily practice, most often using Subconscious Reintegration/Prosperity/Reinforcing in Uplevel/Triggered, though I've completed every workshop TBM offers (with the exception of Rock Bottom & Rut), and I redo Unblocked Shadow a couple times a year, as needed. During the Manifestation Challenge specifically, my unblocking work has been focused on reprogramming deeply intense messaging from childhood around wanting and receiving. 

I was made to feel ashamed for wanting anything and guilty for receiving anything. To do this, I've been using Subconscious Reintegration & Triggered. One thing I'll also mention is that I've been pairing the Manifestation Challenge with Alexis Smart's Ganesh (it's my favorite of hers), basically my authentic code in a bottle. ;)

What expanders did you find?: I look for expanders who get paid (a lot!) doing what they love, but more than that, their work always leads to further opportunities, and their careers are full of creative, interesting projects that light them up. I don't just want a "dream job" I want to manifest a career where I can always be involved in a variety of projects and opportunities in a way that feels infinite. (Manifesting Generator here, if you hadn't guessed.) Specifically speaking: Chelsea Handler, Jessica Simpson, Bethenny Frankel, Jon Favreau, (and many more).

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I have been passing tests like an animal in the last month or so. Long story, but it mainly involves saying no to two main things: 

1) saying no to job opportunities that are in my old lines of work that make me feel terrible energetically 

2) putting major changes in place with my podcast and its audience to show myself that my work is worth being compensated for--ending the feeling that my podcast audience & the Facebook group I built for them was consuming my time for free and making me feel taken advantage of. 

I moved to a Patreon podcast structure where membership is required to benefit from my work and skill sets. I have had to defend this decision publicly MANY, MANY times over the last three weeks, and I keep doing it even though it's really hard and scary. I know it's worth it!!

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, very much so during the time of Mars Retrograde. I have often gone through periods of quiet where there are few tests, few synchronicities, and when this happens, I just gently keep doing the work, lots of Prosperity & Reinforcing DIs, and I remind myself that everything, even Magic Darks, are there to teach me something. It's important to note that in Magic Darks, wherein prior iterations of myself I would have wanted to push harder and work harder, I've learned to take it much easier and simply let go. After two years of TBM and building trust, Magic Darks are not scary or disappointing. I let go of expectations and just live and learn. Learning how to do this is a great gift I've given myself.

How did your manifestation come through?: Literally in an email out of nowhere. I write on a website that anyone can use to write, sort of like a public blog platform where I earn money based on how much readership I have. Money is never guaranteed and fluctuates wildly. But on this site, it's important for you to know that I only EVER write what I want, NEVER what someone else wants me to write. 

Freedom, Work, & Customization (weird word, but it basically means I need to be able to tailor everything I do and everything around me to my own unique tastes, which are typically different from everyone else's) are three pieces of my authentic code, and my writing on this site speaks to all three of them. I was just missing the fourth: Security. 

Two weeks into this challenge I got an email from this website out of the blue, inviting me into a new pilot program they're running to support writers, and they offered me a guaranteed sum of money every month--with the potential for infinitely more, just for writing four pieces of work on their site per month. For years, I've already been writing WAY more than that. So I basically manifested guaranteed money for something I love to do anyway.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @shanisilver

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Raised in Fort Worth, Texas in the Jewish faith by a single mother.




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