Making The Universe My Bank

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: My manifestation list included bringing in financial independence and abundance in the form of a $6k/month income from fulfilling aspects of my work in my coaching business. I also am calling in a partnership that encompasses several specific elements, including: shared commitment, similar values, financial abundance jointly and shared business ventures, a sense of shared sensuality and desire for a family, a community-enriching sense of service to the world, and physical attraction aligned with my deepest, most honest desires. 

Basically, all of the things I have come to believe are true and valuable about me in my long journey to self-loving and acceptance, mirrored back to me in my partner. I also specifically needed an amount of cash within 24 hours to pay some unexpected bills and spoil my family on Christmas.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked Money, Unblocked Love, Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Inner Child plus the Full Moon, and The Expander Mini-Workshop so far. I found a lot of blocks around accepting and asking for my truest desires (worthiness and authenticity), the concept of manifestation in general (worthiness and faith in universes' connection to me), financial abundance, and fears of being seen truly by another or by the wider world/my community for my work.

What expanders did you find?: Friends, family members, work associates, and partners who all served as expanders for various aspects of my list. Some expanders and tests in one (dating partners).

Examples include:

A successful, slightly older female in a similar field to me who has a financial abundance and business success doing work she loves that helps the world in a way that uses her unique gifts with a partner where there are aspects of my partner manifestation list from Unblocked Love including mutual adoration, shared business ventures, support of each other's lives and jointly-created financial abundance coupled with a partner who helped financially "lift" her dreams due to his own level of career success.

Two partners on paper and emotionally better than anyone I've dated thus far for me in terms of matching my partner ist (almost to the LETTER in some cases!) possessing specific qualities I asked for or showing me something newer or better was even possible, prompting me to ADD it to my list, a.k.a. the universe supporting my uplevel, as well as possessing other elements of things on my original manifestation list ( like the same infrared sauna from Sunlighten I am calling in, or my dream car, which I am able to use), showing me what's now within my reach.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Two of the partners called in were examples of tests in addition to expanders as they were missing key ingredients, specifically willingness to commit and emotional vulnerability. I was quickly able to recognize what they were and act differently, and I feel passing the tests because walking away felt like a happy, deeply self-loving choice that made me feel empowered while understanding them without any animosity. I now know what my partner looks like, and I can feel it will manifest. The 6-week no-go period on intimacy is very effective.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, for the first 2-3 months of the work, I felt like things were shifting slowly and certainly not showing up in 24 hours!

How did your manifestation come through?: In addition to the partner manifestation details mentioned, I manifested over $6k in income in a 24-hour period.

-I received a text from an old client wishing me a happy birthday (it wasn't), and I was pinged to remind her I was there to support her if needed. She didn't book anything, but it confirmed I have portals open.

- I got a ping to text a friend about some referrals she was making to me that it would be better if she just performed an email intro to us. I got responses from 4 people from that ping, and one booked with me for the next day and paid my largest invoice to date, $3500 for a single program! The others are all booking meetings with me to see if we are a good fit to work together.

-I mentioned to another friend who had referred a client to me to do the same thing, and she didn't, but someone with the same name as her friend reached out to me cold from my website for a consult.

-I got a ping to mention to a client I was already working with to re-up her current round of classes for more, which she did at $1200

-I got a message from another practitioner that I work with as a client that they were sending someone to me.

-I booked a client for a package at over $1700

Literally, all in one day. After surrendering to the universe and trusting with absolute confidence that my needs would be met, not worrying about the details. I decided to "make the universe my bank," as Lacy said, and didn't call a family member I usually would in an emergency for help. I closed that portal and opened so many new ones. I have the mindset that every new client and referral is a news portal, as most of my business right now is word of mouth. 

The night before, I know I did an incredibly magnetic thing and really stood in my worth around not settling for/sleeping with someone in a dating situation that was a new incarnation of an old story for me (an addict who appears healthy on the outside). I believe this contributed to the banner day for my business.

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Caucasian, upper-middle-class, lots of higher education, east coast but has lived abroad


Following Signs And Patterns In My Life


Finding Stability In What I Love