A New House, Expansive Dates, & A Comfortable Salary

I heard about Lacy on a wellness podcast over a year ago, and was so intrigued that I began listening to all of her expanded podcast purchase unblocked love Nov 2019 -no momentum/results as I didn't understand the importance of DI's or reinforcements just did the module and left it at that. Dec 2019, I signed up for pathway membership and watched how to manifest videos, and left it for a couple of months. May 2020 had a ping now to revisit TBM and listen to all supported sessions, and I knew I needed a coach. By looking at the coaches profiles, I felt that Amanda was the coach for me as I was really drawn to her story and energy. June 2020 started coaching with Amanda with the goal to change career into health/wellness and meet a partner.

Homework did Unblocked Inner Child, read a book on attachment styles, and created manifestation lists mainly for bridging job and partner. When going through the workshop for the first time, I was able to identify blocks with Amanda's guidance as it was about my abandonment as a child and not being validated. In July 2020, another coaching session did Unblocked Love , started online dating (very reluctant but trusted Amanda) along with regular DREs and grounding exercises. I went on a few dates (I definitely met better quality guys ). Some small tests came through, which I passed but nothing substantial. 

I was able to unpack further that my low self-worth was based on my relationship with my father, which you think would have been easy to identify. However, he wasn't a bad person, just never around, not affectionate and work was his priority. That's why career and love were two major themes playing out, and being able to figure this out was empowering for me. 

August 2020, further coaching did Unblocked Money, reached out to TBM Community group for job expanders in the wellness industry, and started to create further lists about how I want my person to show up, red flags, and how my bridging job will make me feel. I kept up with regular DREs, mostly emotional clearing and body. This is where the shift began in my self-worth and self-love came to fruition.  September 2020: further coaching did uplevel workshop theme light v dark - focus was to only seek things that light me up and set boundaries mostly with work (as its family business) continued regular DREs particularly inner child and shadow integration.

Found my dream home ticked all the boxes, and was quite shocked how it came about so quickly and easily and this gave me more mentum as being in such a good space created more magnetism.  October 2020 further coaching did pillars of magnetism authenticity - honed in on my code and worked on owning my uniqueness. 

I found my dream job as a fitness studio manager ( 5 min walk from my new home!!) with a good salary also matching my list - like minded colleagues, positive inspiring environment, where I can utilise my gifts and network with others, to name a few. I also started dating an amazing guy like no one I have dated before, not sure where it's headed, but there is potential! 

November 2020: coaching session celebrated our accomplishments,  still needed to work on money management, and discussed strategies on how to have a budget plan in place and spend without guilt. Also need to keep up regular DIs and maintenance. Feeling confident how to navigate through TBM and developed a trust muscle with manifestations and now have the confidence to keep pushing forward xxx




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Unexpected Donations & Sharing My Creativity With Others