Finding The Perfect Job After A Magnetic Session

I just wanted to email you following our session a few weeks ago to tell you I got the job I was manifesting!! I am so happy beyond words as it's been a long and hard two years in the making, and this job came through in the most effortless way possible.

Here are the steps I took that really helped me: 

-I took the action of quitting my job because I was being treated badly, and I knew I deserved better.

-I wrote my list, digging deep and focusing on points that aligned with my authentic code and how I wanted to FEEL and how I could add value to the world. Let go of any ego-driven desires (e.g., working for a specific brand for external validation). I realized the job I almost got in May wasn't exactly aligned with what I wanted, and I was trying to force it.

-I was very, very discerning with the jobs I applied for. As an MG, I saw every job listing as an invitation to respond, and I didn't apply unless it was a full-body yes. I didn't force myself to take ANY action that didn't feel exciting to me, even following up on jobs that didn't really excite me.

-I wrote a list of all my achievements and did the Deservingness DI many, many times. I kept reminding myself of everything I have achieved in my career to strengthen my self-worth.

-Focused on EASE and this job coming through in the most effortless way. Trusting that what's meant for me won't miss me. 

And it did! I did three interviews over three days and got the job on the 4th day—no ghosting or rescheduling or complicated presentations to do. The calls felt like really easy conversations with people I enjoyed speaking to. The more I learned about the company, the more it sounded like exactly the place I wanted to work at. Everything aligned except the salary I wanted, but given the bonus structure and the rate of company growth, I feel confident I will reach that level pretty soon.

I just want to thank you SO much for your help and guidance over the sessions we've had. Every time I speak to you, it's like magic. It totally changes my perspective on things and gives me optimism :) Thank you for giving me the license to feel the way I feel and for teaching me how to reframe the stories that no longer serve me.

I am sending you lots of love and best wishes for the arrival of your baby boy! 

Ashma x


Unexpected Donations & Sharing My Creativity With Others


The Perfect Career For Me & An Unexpected Money Manifestation