The Perfect Career For Me & An Unexpected Money Manifestation

Name: Brit Chandler

Where do you reside?: Lancaster, PA

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Raised by a young, single mom in a conservative town in PA. Lots of shaming for pretty much everything, haha. My biological father was an addict and not in the picture.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

-A bridge job with freedom of location + time, in People/Culture role (I worked in marketing), with unlimited vacation and health benefits, preferably with a mission I felt connected to and passionate about

-A loving and expansive partnership with a grown-ass man 

-A coaching business

-A breast augmentation

-A home to make our own

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Money, Unblocked Love, Unblocked No, Trigger DI

The biggest block I noticed was "I can't do ______ without a man('s financial support)." Like buying a house, starting a business, feeling whole. I also had a lot of shadow around being a teen mom (I got pregnant when I was 18), being divorced, being a single mom, not having a college degree, not having a perfect body. The list goes on!

I took two bottles of the Unblocked remedy this year :)

What expanders did you find?: To be honest, I've been my biggest expander, especially with my career. My first job was offered to me when I had no experience or degree, and the company made the position of Marketing Coordinator just for me. I've also had misc fragment expanders for relationships, etc. A recent process episode guest mentioned that her dad forgot he invested money for her, and she came into a nice chunk so that income portal story was very expansive.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: While job hunting, I struggled with job postings looking for people with 3+ years experience in People/Culture/Recruiting roles. In January, I started at my current company in marketing and started helping on the culture/recruiting side of things, but I didn't even have a full year of experience. So I started applying for marketing positions.

I was also chatting with a recruiter who said a local senior care company that paid well and was promoted often was looking for someone, and I said I was open to it. But a few days later, I emailed him and said I changed my mind because it wasn't something I was passionate about.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I had about six weeks of absolute silence after applying to 15+ jobs. At the beginning of the process, I felt desperate and panicked because my job was becoming so toxic, I wasn't able to use my voice, and I knew I wasn't going to grow there anymore. I had to physically be in the office four days a week and work one from home, and it was draining the life out of me. But I knew the desperate energy wasn't helping, so I started making gratitude lists about what I loved about my current role, found ways to look forward to going in, and started working from home more so I could be happier more often.

How did your manifestation come through?: I've been in an incredibly expansive role for the past two years. Tech startup, good salary, unlimited vacation, stock in the company, full health benefits, fun team. This was my biggest manifestation to date because I'm not college-educated, and my resume is incredibly eclectic. I built my career from scratch and kept myself and my two boys afloat as a business owner for three years after getting divorced before this job came through (about a month before I started TBM).

I grounded into surrender and knew the right thing would come through. I stopped trying to force things and stepped into receiving and finding joy in my current life. Two weekends ago (6 weeks after applying), my DREAM company emailed me and said they loved my recruiter application and wanted to move forward with a phone screen. Mindbloom is a psychedelic therapy company that helps treat anxiety and depression through ketamine and integration therapy. It was so aligned with TBM work, and I've been watching it for over a year. I had my phone screen on Tuesday. By Friday, I had the job offer for more money than my current role, totally remote and asynchronistic (I can work any time of DAY), health benefits, equity in the company $ towards a coworking space. 

They said there was a lot of interest in this role from more senior-level recruiters, but they were so impressed by my career story, and we're thrilled to offer me a job. They also said I was more than welcome to start up a coaching business on the side since I am currently working towards getting my NLP and hypnosis certifications. On top of that, the people I'll be recruiting for are guides who will have similar certifications.

On top of all this, last night my grandparents called me out of the blue and offered to put money towards a downpayment on a house. This year I've been working on paying off credit card debt (on my Unblocked Money list from last year and achieved in April) and bought new boobies (after doing so much work around shadow and body image - I'm happy to speak on this process as well) so my savings isn't where I need it to be to buy now. But thanks to my grandparent's generous offer, I'm working on getting preapproved and about to start looking!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Unblocked Money started on 8/10, the list made on 8/20 + 821, finished the workshop on 9/13, the job was offered on 9/24

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Minimum of 3 days a week, but usually 5-6

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: Doing meditations in the bath really helped me quiet the noise but not fall asleep. Candles, no distractions, calm + comfy, usually with a little cannabis I took Unblocked flower remedies with my boyfriend for 2 months (he's also doing TBM!). The biggest thing I struggled with was dropping in because my brain wouldn't slow down. I started doing a lot of the journal prompts before the DI, and that became so hypnotic that I started channeling during the journaling and then could take those insights into the DI's and dig deeper.

I also listened to all Expanded Podcast episodes and listened to each Explained episode more than once.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @britchandler

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: I've had so many hurdles to jump through to build this beautiful life, and I've been getting endless pings to share my story, and I'd love to start on the Expanded Podcast <3


Shadow / Inner Child / Money / Love / No


Finding The Perfect Job After A Magnetic Session


Signs From The Universe I Found The Perfect House