Signs From The Universe I Found The Perfect House

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Name: Aleksandra Chojnacka

Where do you reside?: Nashville, TN

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Polish immigrant (who came to the states when I was 7), grew up in New Jersey, am an only child. Lots of eastern European ancestral trauma and a mother wound :)

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

- A house

- A relationship

- A new job

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I did them ALL. I mainly focused on Unblocked Inner Child and the Daily Exercises. I would choose the DI based on what was happening in my life on any given day. I made myself a routine where I'd do it before I got out of bed in the morning (just setting my alarm 25 min earlier than I normally would), so I was still in that dream state. I also worked with Heather on a plan for the Dis last summer too.

What expanders did you find?: This specific testimonial is about manifesting the house that I ended up buying. I ended up buying the house on my own, so I needed female expanders which were single and happy homeowners! I also needed real-life expanders in Nashville to see what was out there and what was possible. I had a few expanders, including my best friend who bought a home here in Nashville with her husband -- it was a great house but needed some updates, and watching her do this inspired me to not only look for something brand new and to be open to doing some work on my own. She made it look really easy.

I followed some expanders on Instagram, too -- Sabina and Tyler Rich had just bought a home in Nashville too. Vanessa Fitzgerald bought her house in LA all on her own! I also had some women in my network of friends who had bought properties on their own.

Seeing to believe was huge for me.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I'm a specific manifestor according to Human Design so I made my list as specific as possible. One thing I had on the list was that the house needed to be new. The house I ended up buying is not new! When I saw it, I went back to my list and asked myself, "why do I have this on the list? Why does it have to be new" and I realized it's because I associated new with clean energy. I had lived in older homes in the past, and some weird things went on energetically. New was clean to me. However, I realized that instead of "new," it should have been "has great energy," and therefore, this house had that! Not necessarily a test but really interesting to look at why we have specific things on our lists.

As far as tests go, there were some hiccups with the property. The appraisal came back lower than what the house was listed for by $25k. I immediately thought to myself, "there is no way I'm overpaying for this house. I won't be taken advantage of!" However, my realtor let me know that this was pretty normal for Nashville's market -- every house was going for at least $25k above appraisal value. My immediate reaction was, "this is a sign! This is a sign I shouldn't do it. This is happening too fast. I'm not ready... "But my gut and my heart told me I wanted it and to keep going. I followed that. I rode out my emotional wave and got to a place where I felt good about moving forward, and I was able to negotiate the price down, making me feel even better about the deal.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: There was no magic dark here, actually. I'm experiencing the magic dark in regards to relationships, though but that's a whole other manifestation.

How did your manifestation come through?: When I first made my list, I sent some of the requirements to my realtor, who put me on a mailing list to receive updates on new homes. I went to see a few, and nothing really lit me up.

The best part about this manifestation was that I wanted it, but I truly let it go. I didn't NEED to buy anything quickly. I had my lease until the end of the year. It was a desire I had put out into the universe but wasn't dog paddling with it as I tend to do with other things. I have stories for when I jumped off cliffs, JUST to jump off the cliff and say, 'okay I jumped! I'm here! Where's my manifestation?" but this cliff was genuine, and I wasn't doing it from a need to manifest this house. It was more from a need of how I wanted to feel.

That "letting go" part is huge for me in manifesting -- I'll be okay if it happens and okay if it doesn't. Heather talks about this a lot -- the surrender is the fastest route for me to manifest as well. It's harder to do with some manifestations, though. I've been working on that piece for partnership.

As for the house, I saw a few properties, and nothing was coming through in the neighborhood I had wanted, and in the price range I had wanted. All the new developments were happening in an area of town I wasn't really interested in. I debated changing my mind but ultimately really wanted this particular area in Nashville called Green Hills/belle meade. One day I had the ping to look on Zillow in addition to the emails I was getting, and I saw a property that immediately called to me. It had been on the market for less than 24 hours, so I jumped on it and called my realtor - she set up a viewing the next day.

Driving up to the place, it just felt good. Somehow I already knew deep down inside. When I walked in, the energy felt so right. This house wasn't new, but I had been expanded by my best friend Ash to make the updates that I needed to make it new. I saw the potential in it. As I walked upstairs, I noticed a movie poster framed on the wall in front of the master bedroom. I looked closer, and it was in Polish... I looked at my realtor and freaked out! "Is the seller Polish?" No, he wasn't. This was "random" --- I knew it was a nod from the universe that this was my home. I put in an offer that day. When I went back home to look at my list, the house had EVERYTHING on it except for "new," which I realized was the wrong question anyway... the ask was "good energy," and it had that.

There is a lot more to the story and some more affirming signs that this was my home but there was also a lot of doubt and ups and downs with moving in and getting settled. It has been a journey... In my deepest and darkest days, I had sought out some help from my coaches and realized this house was me. There were days where I was worried it wouldn't be good enough for my mom because it wasn't new, and she loved new things. (there is another reason I wrote it down). There were days where I wanted to rent it out and move out and completely give up. In a nutshell, when I realized the house was me, and I learned to love it unconditionally and give it the love it needed, the boundaries it needed, it began to love me back.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: 1 month -- it was super speeded by surrender.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: every day

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I schedule it each day in the morning, so it's easy.

I've also used the manifestation as a reflection of my internal state -- as I said, the house is me. When something goes wrong with the house, I look at my internal state to see where I need to redirect.

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