$10,000 Out of Nowhere!

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: A new tablet for work, several items of clothing, redoing part of the flooring in my house, and $10,000.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've been a Pathway member since November 2019 and really only dabbled for a year or so. I'd manifest small things like cute throw pillows or coffee, but never the bigger manifestations I truly wanted. Towards November 2020, after quarantine forced me to really look at my own sh*t, I doubled down and did Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Shadow back to back. I also did Unblocked No, which is now Boundaries.

Trigger Warning for the next paragraph

My biggest blocks were cutting when I was 15 years old and being sexually assaulted at 19. The prompt in the old Shadow workshop that really rocked my world was, "What is the biggest lie you've ever told yourself?" It was then that I truly decided to work through my sexual assault, which I had repressed for nearly ten years and just tried to forget. I immediately began therapy and have been working through Unblocked Inner Child again alongside my therapy. The two are incredibly powerful together, and the TBM work aligns nicely with what I'm learning in therapy.

What expanders did you find?: Weirdly enough, Johnny Cash. I was inspired by his ability to remain true to himself while also being ruthlessly honest about his past. I devoured his autobiography and continue to listen to his music on repeat. Lady Gaga was another expander, along with some incredible women I have come to know through my work as an attorney.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: The biggest test I faced was a trial for an incredibly nasty divorce I was handling. I was so nervous because not only was it my first solo trial, but it was also my first virtual trial. Opposing counsel had been rude and extremely difficult to work with all along, and she is a more experienced attorney than me. Her client's settlement offers were so bad I had no choice but to try the case, and the outcome was better than anything I could have hoped for.

All my old stories popped up - "you can't do this," "you're too young," "you have no idea what you're doing," "you're going to fail, and everyone will know about it" - but I moved through them and came out the other side much more confident and secure in who I am and what I can do.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yup. There was a good two-week period where nothing went right - my car needed a semi-expensive repair, my husband and I fought over everything, my phone broke, I couldn't catch a break at work, I got sick, and I hurt my back. After that, nothing happened until after I passed that last test, then BOOM - the Universe said, okay, I see you, here's everything you've been asking for in the span of a few days!

How did your manifestation come through?: It came through in a completely unexpected way, which is fun as a non-specific manifestor! The day after I passed the test, I found a random check for $900 from the IRS in the mail. Apparently, my husband and I had overpaid on our taxes that year, which was odd. Then my husband's grandparents gave us $1,000 for a Christmas present when they usually give us a $50 gift card to eat out. I also received a $7,500 bonus, which was way out of left field - up to that point, my biggest bonus was $2,500. 

Remember that semi-expensive repair I had to get for my car? It turns out I was eligible for a rebate, which equaled $600. Altogether, this was $10,000 in a little over a month. Naturally, I used some of this money to knock off other manifestations on my list, like a new tablet for work and the most amazing leggings and blazers I'd had my eye on.

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: White, Christian-raised (though I don't like religion now), youngest of 4 children, small farming community, blue-collar parents, non-specific manifestor, Virgo


Shadow / Inner Child / No


Finding A New Space With Ease


Incredible Connections That Flowed So Easily