Two Scholarships While Paying Off Debt

Name: Megan Hovious

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

1. Getting out of credit card debt (around $5K)

2. Save $5K

3. Improve my credit score by 100 points

4. Admission to law school

5. Get a law school scholarship covering at least 75% of tuition

6. Healing from an eating disorder

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've done all the workshops! But Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked No, and Unblocked Money have been the most impactful for me. I also did coaching with Amanda. I discovered that a big block was unworthiness due to how my sister and I were prioritized growing up. My sister has special needs, and she was the center of our family system and still is. 

I realized this dynamic had made me believe I was unworthy and unimportant. I also discovered a huge block around struggling with money. Both my parents grew up very poor and struggled financially my whole life (living paycheck-to-paycheck, sacrificing a lot, constantly being exhausted). They definitely promoted the ethic that you have to suffer to get by, so I had never seen what it was like to be financially free.

What expanders did you find?: I filled my entire Instagram feed with expanders depending on what I was calling in. For a while, this was all testimonials from the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover community. I don't agree with everything he advises but the whole community posts a lot of testimonials, and they are very expansive. 

These were all people who had paid off huge amounts of debt and saved a lot. After that, I filled my feed with women who had previously suffered from disordered eating and were now living in their authentic bodies. As I manifested things I once thought were impossible, I also became my own expander!

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I decided my calling was to go to law school, and after that, I was presented with many opportunities for shiny, high-paying jobs that I knew weren't in line with my authentic path. These were sometimes hard to say no to, but as a generator looking for that "full-body yes," I knew I had to say no. I manifested some pretty lucrative side hustles in addition to my full-time job, and I was frequently faced with tests of opportunities that paid below my going rate. 

I was also given a lot of opportunities. I had to say no just to make sure my time was balanced (AKA setting boundaries, so I didn't go crazy working all the time). I've mostly been focused on money lately, but I was also tested in love by an on/off-again boyfriend who had promised to change, promised things would be different this time, etc. I failed this a lot of times before I finally rock bottomed out of this relationship (after moving across the country for this guy!). But it was after that that I realized I wanted to go to law school and manifested a full-tuition scholarship.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Not really! I've pretty much been manifesting cold hard cash since I started this work, haha!

How did your manifestation come through?: First, I followed a 'ping' about looking into a side hustle (I'm a CPA and the ping was to look into teaching CPA prep). I did this and found there was a big market for this, so I applied to a few different companies. I got several offers to teach CPA prep, but the pay was a lot higher than I expected. I almost said no to these offers because I thought that if something paid that well, I must not be qualified to do it (I've received a lot of programming that I'm not a hard worker and don't "deserve"). Thank goodness I walked through this fear! 

After I unblocked my limiting money beliefs, it became really easy to put this extra money towards my credit card debt and my savings. That made my credit score go up a lot too. I moved across the country for a relationship that I rock-bottomed out of. I was looking for a job in my new city, but I just wasn't feeling excited about anything. I was trying out different interests in my field to see what lit me up, and one day got a ping to take the LSAT. 

I signed up and took it a few weeks later and did really well. I had always wanted to go to law school, but because of my childhood programming, I thought that I wouldn't be successful. I'm 33 now, so I really thought it was out of reach for me. I decided to apply to school anyway because nothing else had lit me up like this in a long time. I knew I could only do it if I got a lot of scholarship money. So I submitted my applications and focused on making my personal statements as authentic as possible. 

While I waited, I continued to work through Unblocked Shadow to deal with "deservingness." After enough times imagining my magnetic parents telling me I "deserved" everything I wanted, I felt a release. After this, I had jumped off one more cliff even though all my debt is paid off now. I've been kind of hoarding cash in my savings instead of contributing to my retirement fund, which I know is important. I was afraid that if I had any of my paycheck automatically contributed to my 401k, I wouldn't pay my bills. I jumped off the cliff and maxed out my 401k contributions every pay period. A few weeks have passed, and so far, I've received two full-tuition law school scholarships!

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @theotherhove

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: White, lol. My family is white, Methodist, and I grew up in suburban/rural Indiana.


Shadow / Inner Child / Money / No


A Test That Taught Me Peace & Grace


Getting Comfortable With Receiving