A Part-Time, Remote, & Women-Run Wellness Job

Name: Katie Kimball

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: A part-time, remote job within the wellness industry that would act as a stepping stone. I wanted my bosses to be women & expanders, and the pay to be $50,000.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: The workshop I used most was Unblocked Money. The most prominent blocks that showed up for me were that I continued to take jobs for people and businesses that did not align with my values, give me the freedom and space I desire and wasn't aiding in my expansion. I was also working in multiple jobs and saying yes to opportunities that were really a no for me because I wanted to ease everyone's anxiety about me and my job security. In terms of money, I struggled with my own fears around not having enough and believing the universe would see me as unappreciative. I said no to these options that were graciously given to me.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: The most profound test was when everything I had been manifested was seemingly coming into my reality. At first, this all felt so great. I had manifested a potential future position with a man (we'll call him Dave) I met in Yaak River, MT, while on a bus trip with a girlfriend. We stayed in touch, and eventually, he mentioned he was looking for someone to transition into a remote role. He said that if I was interested, we could have a trial run. 

The industry he works in is one I love and respect - shout out to cannabis - but wasn't necessarily my life's passion. This opportunity vaguely resembled what I was working on manifesting, so I said, "fuck it, I'm in." Within the next month, I was given assignments, attending multiple meetings a week, and slowly beginning to feel the resistance and regret bubbling up. This was indeed NOT what I had been calling in. The feeling I had while doing the work was not what I know I needed in order to remain happy, healthy, and balanced. 

One morning while filling out a spreadsheet, I decided this job opportunity was a test that I was happily ready to pass. That week I organized a meeting with "Dave" and expressed that although I appreciated all he had done for me, it wouldn't be right for me or his business if I continued to work for them. Afterward, I felt 100 lbs lighter. Talk about a hallelujah moment.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Absolutely. There were months after I turned down this job where I questioned my decision. During this time, I was also a nanny, and although I love working with children and respect nannies with every ounce in me, it was a temporary position. It became extremely difficult to meet myself where I was at, which brought me to moments where I would doubt my intelligence, skill set, self-worth, and ability to create.

How did your manifestation come through?: I decided from there on out I would only apply to positions that resonated with my heart and would aid in my soul's expansion so that when the time came, I could clearly define and confidently create my own business. A month after applying to a software company, I received an email inviting me to interview for a marketing position. Although the wellness industry and software company don't seem to hold any commonalities, this particular company is woman-run and built with the intention to help people within the wellness space transition into a profitable online platform. With no attachments to the outcome, I agreed to meet. I worked through a DI beforehand and promised myself I would operate from a completely honest and authentic space instead of putting on a performance. 

After not hearing back for weeks, I received an email one Friday afternoon asking if I was available for a second interview that evening. Again, I worked through another Deep Imagining beforehand and brought myself back to my authentic code. To my surprise, they had filled the marketing role but opened up a new position within their entrepreneurship coaching program and believed I would be a great fit. After expressing my interest, I was offered the job on the spot and sent an offer letter an hour later. 

Although this job does not meet my desired salary expectations, I am working remotely under a team of women Expanders. I am gaining coaching experience that benefits my Ayurveda and Tantra education. I have access to education that can be implemented in my future business dreams, and I am able to help others within the wellness space gain success in their unique endeavors.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @divinelydancing

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I come from a broken, middle-class suburban family.




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