TBM Has Transformed My Life Beyond Manifestation


Name: Nadia Lau

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: 

-How to Manifest

-Unblocked Inner Child 

-Unblocked Shadow

-Unblocked Love

-Unblocked Money



This was my Daily Practice: My go-to’s: Health and Body, Prosperity, Trigger, Reinforcing Deservingness and Abundance | When I need to integrate Shadow and or something from Unblocked Inner child, then, of course, Unblocked Shadow & Unblocked Inner Child. I always seal it with a reinforcing DI, depending on what I am working through.

How did your manifestation come through?: To Be Magnetic has entirely transformed my life beyond manifestation. And am so excited to share!!! Below are my three major transformations. I could write so much more in-depth and detail.... but here is a taste of what TBM has done for me!!

1.) The workshops helped me break through and heal generational cycles, and I finally feel seen and valued by my mother and father and also in the world. Over ten years ago, through a colleague, I learned my father did not acknowledge he had a daughter to his colleagues and business partners. He acknowledged my brother, but not me. My brother was always the favored one because he was male and the only one to carry our last name. My brother was the one who was offered the opportunity to attend a private school, and I had to beg and fight to have the opportunity to take the admission test. 

My parents always attend his sports games with pride and never attended mine. He could do no wrong no matter what. Their excuse was that he was a boy, and they are allowed to be rambunctious. I, on the other hand, had to obey every rule. My father told me when I was two years old (my mom relayed the story to me) that all I had to worry about was to be pretty. My mom quickly took me away and said what really matters is to be kind, work hard, and smile. And that is how I grew up. Work hard, smile, don't say too much, and be pretty. 

I always felt inferior and NEVER in my worth. I didn't even know what that meant nor how that would feel like. Since discovering To Be Magnetic and even more recently taking the Alexis Smart + To Be Magnetic Flower Essences, things have changed exponentially. Not only have my energetics changed, I've stepped into my full worth, feel secure and confident in speaking my truth in authenticity and grace, AND my parents' energy has also shifted, albeit they are in their 70's. We have a dynamic, respectful, trustworthy, and loving relationship and friendship that I always wished for. My Expanders were David and Victoria Beckham and Ariella and Brandon Charnas. 

My parents have even told me they are proud of me, and my father has praised me even to his new business partners. Something that is very rare in Asian families.

2.) I also had deep abandonment and codependency issues that led to my last relationship being emotional, verbal, and physically abusive. My abandonment and codependency issues stemmed from an absent father. He was building his business and traveled constantly. 2-3 weeks at a time. After 2-3 days, I would cry desperately, fearing my father had disappeared and never to come back. I would ask my mom why dad didn't love me and was gone for so long. I had no idea what abandonment or codependency meant. 

Every guy cheated on me, and I thought it was my fault. So, when the last guy I was in a relationship with DIDN'T cheat on me (albeit he flirted a lot with other girls…but I chalked it up to him being Italian), I tolerated EVERYTHING. It wasn't until I had to have stomach surgery due to so much puss in my abdomen area from stomach ulcers, lesions in my large intestine, and stomach lining, that I realized something didn't add up because I had ALWAYS been healthy. I had never been sick, never been to the ER, much less had surgery for medical reasons before. It was around the same time that 'Heal' was released on Netflix Italy. 

I watched it and realized I needed to make some changes. That was when I really dove in deep with the To Be Magnetic work. As I did the "Unblocked Love" workshop, I learned the importance of boundaries. And it was through the "Unblocked Love" Workshop that gave me the strength, courage, and clarity to leave my abusive relationship and move back to Paris. I was living in Milan. As I was transitioning between Milan and Paris, being steadfast with my boundaries really helped me stay focused and not fall back into the toxic relationship as he tried to convince me to stay. 

During this time, I was tested several times with men who 'seem' to be aligned to my list. Had I not had the workshops, it wouldn't have been easy to escape from my toxic relationship I was transitioning out of. However, after the first date, there were several red flags, and I was strong enough to say no and goodbye. Although this test kept popping back into my life, I continued to say no and know I deserve SO MUCH MORE. He was actually an expander at the same time. I am thrilled to say I have worked through so much of it now, even when I see the sparkly dangling carrot as a test... I joyfully walk away and can say no!! 

My next question to myself is always, "Did he expand me? Is he an expander? How?" I feel like I'm very close to finding my partner because I continue to meet men who are much more aligned to my list than ever before.

3.) Even though my father did not acknowledge me to others, when I asked to join his company over ten years ago, he gave me the opportunity to do so. I worked hard to earn a place at the table, and I did. My father started to see me and value my opinion and work, but I was still not fully seen as his capable daughter. I was a dependable employee. We began working alongside each other, and I felt the worthiest. I was making very good money ( 6 figures) and truly at my best. I also realized; it was during that time that I met quality men I should have been dating. 

Lacy is right- money and love go hand in hand. However, I did not feel worthy enough to date them, so I kept them as friends. 2 of them were 'ones that got away.’ As I did the new version of Unblocked Love, I realized this and thought how much I wished I could work alongside my father again. I did not think it was possible because I was not willing to give up living in Paris. About 6 months ago, as I was telling my father my new business idea (I decided to sell my inventory from my business because I knew my business model post covid would not withstand the 'new normal'. The money I received from selling my inventory became my FU fund.) He told me he was extremely proud of me for making this hard decision, and he fully supported and respected my decision and new business idea. 

I finally garnered his respect and felt fully seen by him for the first time in my life. The next day, he called me and gave me a proposal. He asked me to join him in his new venture in opening a Family Office. My responsibility would be to oversee the real estate portfolio in New York, work with him on structuring deals, and overseeing the portfolio of assets once we acquired them. When I told him Paris is my home, and I have no intentions of moving back to the US. He asked me to put down my conditions and the compensation I need to make it work, and he would present it to his Board of Directors. Several days later, he called me and said all my conditions were approved, my compensation was also approved, and because they wanted my presence in NYC, they would give me an apartment in Hudson Yards. 

The Board also offered their help for any business ventures I wanted to take on individually as well. All of this happened AFTER I really started doing TBM + TM. Now, with the Alexis Smart + TBM Flower Essences, I have really felt truly in my power, empowered, and ready for this new opportunity. I've learned grace and to speak my truth authentically, diplomatically, and in kindness and compassion. All of which I never thought I could be. I knew it deep down, but I never knew HOW to allow myself to be me while still being seen and heard. I was someone who had a temper, felt entitled, was angry, and thought that was the only way to be heard.

Thank you, TBM!!!! You have given me back to me! I wish EVERYONE in the world would do this work. I'm so grateful to have TBM, especially now, being Asian American going through this dark period. I have not only been able to break through a lot of my generational cycles prior to the pandemic; now, I am able to detach from it and see it for what it is and not absorb it into my energy field and narrative while keeping balance and boundaries between holding space for those who are reveling in so much pain and darkness and my own self-care needs. All of which I would never have the awareness, self-worth, nor courage to do without TBM.

Thank you for taking the time to read my three transformations.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @nadia.ihp

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Asian American


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