A New Group Of Friends While Rediscovering Myself
Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes
What was on your manifestation list?:
-I wanted to call in friends that have common interests as myself, along with people who are supportive, genuine, down-to-earth, and that I can hold nice conversations with.
-A separate item on my list was rock climbing partners, so I wasn't always by myself and learned from others.
What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I finished the Unblocked Inner Child workshop and saw my most magnetic high school self being in band, carefree, happy, and a proud nerd. When I was asked who I felt inferior to during the meditation, I saw all of my early nerdy wonderful childhood friends whom I became too cool for because I wanted to 'fit in.' I was far from knowing who my authentic self was at this time while dealing with my parent's yucky divorce. Reprogramming all of this was so beautiful and healing!
What expanders did you find?: My inner nerd and future self.
What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: None, just clear on my intentions and was looking for genuine fun and nice people.
How did your manifestation come through?: I was climbing alone, and I overhear two people clearly meeting for the first time. One said, "Hey, I see you're by yourself too. Want to join us?" My generator self responded, yes!
I ended up joining, and they were so supportive and patient with me compared to their level of experience! As we started getting to know one another, I found out that one guy is the main high school music instructor and leads the high school band (what are the odds?) He was so sweet, and I asked him how he got into music. He explained how he almost quit the band in high school because he wanted to fit in and didn't want to be the band geek. His music teacher said, 'Join band camp for the summer, and if you hate it, I'll give you a chocolate bar!' Of course, he ended up loving it and changed his life. Now he's that supportive person for other curious students. My inner child was so validated and expanded by him.
The next guy ended up being in social work, which is essentially the field I'm in as a clinical psych student. We chatted about theoretical orientations and the populations we work with. I didn't know anyone else in my field which is around my age and practicing. Yay - friends with common interests, check!
Near the end, we all got on a text thread and plan to climb together next weekend, climbing partners who are also supportive individuals and new friends, check! I came home and saw a beautiful crane on my dock. I haven't seen one yet this year and find them to always be a gentle 'hello Sara, I see you, keep going' message from the Universe. So grateful for this work and excited to see what shadow uncovers next.
How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Few weeks tops
How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Mostly every day