Huge Tests While Manifesting My Entire List

Name: Lea Grom

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Where to start!

My manifestation list was mainly focused on Money and Career. The biggest manifestations were/are:

- my own company, professional workspace

- to release an ebook

- to write and release the first Modern cake design book in our country

- to build a successful, firm, and well-known bespoke wedding & celebrations cake brand

- to be independent, self-employed

- to expand, be different and unique

- to empower and teach others: launching cake workshops

- to earn 3000 EUR per month

- the most recent: to be invited for an interview on the national TV

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I went through the Unblocked Shadow twice. I also did the How to Manifest, Uplevel, Daily Practice, Extra Layers, Unblocked Boundaries, Unblocked Money, Unblocked Full Moon, Expander Mini Workshop, and Authentic Code.

I discovered lots of blocks. Some of them were very deep and rooted into my childhood and especially adolescence. I still have to work, especially on the issue of feeling overly guilty, self-doubting, controlling, and being called a fraud.

What expanders did you find?: I found lots of fragment expanders that have the qualities I aspire to have, such as: finding my voice in the creative cake space, being more confident and trusting my intuition when I feel something is not a Hell-Yes, being different and unique, knowing my worth, being creative at work, finding new ideas and always moving forward, feeling whole.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: There were lots of tests. Some of them were pretty nasty and so difficult to pass. The biggest one so far happened a year ago, when I started to follow my dreams (baking cakes) and became quite good at it pretty fast. One of my biggest expanders turned against me and publicly bullied me. She even claimed that I was a fraud on multiple social media platforms (she is very popular and has a huge reach in our country, which resulted in clients leaving me and canceling orders from me and common friends taking her side. I fell truly alone.) 

Besides, she reported me to several authorities for being a fraud (based on false truth). It took me a few months to completely detox from any negative impact and minimize social media use in order to focus on myself, my feelings, and my own healing. Other tests that keep coming up are usually connected with me feeling overly guilty. I managed to pass some of them, but clearly not all, because obviously they still come at least once a month. :)

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes! Right after the major test, I explained in the section above. It was a magic dark, full of stillness, status-quo, and questioning whether I should pursue my dreams or not. It lasted almost six months, but as I learned about my Authentic Code, I knew it was something I should definitely try and see where it takes me.

How did your manifestation come through?: Manifestations I listed above all came through. :)

I have others in different areas of my life, of course (having a dog, owning a bigger car, and a spacious, light apartment with my boyfriend), but I have mainly been focusing on my career, and it all came through within the last few months a year. My biggest manifestation was a cake book, and the first edition is completely sold out. There is so much demand that the second edition is already in print. :)

The most recent manifestation I added to the list was being on TV (one of the things in my Authentic code is being seen). I got a call from one channel yesterday, and we are filming a short video for national TV tomorrow. :)

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Around 10 months.


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