Unexpected $12k, Making A Film, & Finding Partnership

Name: Ariel Rose

Where do you reside?: Santa Monica

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I'm a biracial only child who was raised solely by her mother in the midwest. My mother started a business out of her home when I was young, and although she was physically around a lot, there was very little emotional presence.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

-A partner (just celebrated our two year anniversary)

-Multiple apartments (one down to the address)

-A national commercial that's made me over 200k (and counting)

-A rescue kitten

-6k funding for my short film

-Plus 20k (probably more) of donated equipment and labor

-Free Bose noise-canceling headphones

-a better work routine

-Most importantly, more clarity, autonomy, and self-love every day.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've done every workshop except love! SO many blocks around lack mentality, needing external validation, abandonment issues, emotional unavailability, thinking everything is fine when it's NOT, enmeshment with my mother, codependency, and victim-identification (I'm the most special victims-victim, and that's why things won't work for me haha)

What expanders did you find?: 

For my relationship: Dani Beinstein and Lacy (my relationship journey very closely mirrors theirs), 

For my career: my friend introduced me to someone who made a short film and then a very successful movie and helped me realize I can do that too, Jennifer Lawrence as an authenticity expander, Issa Rae, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Greta Gerwig, Michaela Coel, and any other woman who writes, directs, and acts. Lots of friends showing me in little ways what I'm capable of along the way.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: With relationship, basically, the whole gamut, the woman who opened my heart then dropped me like a hot pocket like my ex, the guy who I thought was my soul mate then realized he was the biggest mirror of my life, between these two it took about a year to work through all my stuff around self-worth, emotional unavailability, and abandonment.

The biggest test was leaving my survival job of waitressing three years ago and getting rid of my apartment with my career. It took another year and a half of almost nothing happening (besides writing a good script I didn't want to make into a movie) and unblocking a TON-around lack mentality. I started a side job of helping others process their trauma until I realized that was lacking - I still didn't believe I could make money as an artist the way I wanted to. THEN I wrote a play that wasn't very good and worked on it for nine months until ONCE AGAIN I realized I was living in lack because I didn't believe I could make a film.

The director who my friend introduced me to was also an expander and also a test. We became friends, and he was making a TV show, and I asked if I could audition because I thought it'd be fun if we worked together. He said he agreed and that would be fun, then I never heard from him again. It definitely hurt and bruised my ego and made me initially feel bad/stupid for even asking. I needed to do a lot of reprogramming just from that experience around a combination of what I expect out of my friendships AND knowing that if someone really wants to help me, they will, and I won't have to push.

But most of my tests in all of these areas are me getting triggered. And going to a DI and doing the reprogramming work to get to the root so that thing doesn't hold power over me anymore.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: With relationship YES! There was a three or so month period when I ended things with the last BIG mirror expander guy, where NOTHING was happening. One small test of a guy I met one night who ghosted me really helped me unlock one final piece. Then about two months later, I met my partner. With a career, not so much. As soon as I let the play go, a short film idea popped into my head, and I had written it and was in pre-production all within a month.

With money (my commercial job) DEFINITELY - my partner and I were living at his mom's house, and I was down to my last 2,000 in total. I was kind of nervous but also didn't have to spend a lot of money living there, so I knew I could make it work but didn't know-how. With other things, maybe little ones, but I'm also rather impatient, so I loooove to think I'm in a magic dark all the time, haha.

How did your manifestation come through?I reached out to an old friend I had lost contact with, and she invited me to go to Tahoe with her to help with her business. I thought it would just be a fun time to reconnect, and we definitely did! But she also hit it off with this guy, so we went up to Tahoe a second time, and then that guy introduced me to his cousin, who is now my boyfriend! With a career, the short film was really flowy and effortless. I wanted one director I knew to help me make it, but he was in NY, and he recommended this production company. I immediately loved their website, I emailed them, and we had some mutual friends. They loved the script, and within two weeks, we had dates set.

I called a friend complaining about money with money, and she recommended I apply for the Covid relief unemployment fund. I didn't even know I qualified, but I had worked a number of non-union acting/modeling/fit modeling jobs earlier in the year, so I applied, and they sent me 12k! I was so excited, and it gave me enough confidence to try and make a film (also, having money made me think I could probably raise MORE money and started a Kickstarter where I raised 6k). A month or so after that (and right around the time I was in pre-production on the short), my agent let me know I booked that commercial!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: I've been doing this close to 3 years so these are my biggest manifestations. The partner took about a year after I seriously started manifesting partnership. I said to my friend I wanted to book a national commercial, and about a year and a half/two years later, I got it. The other things... it's harder to say. I make lists and lose them all the time. I also "think" I want something and will dig deeper and find out I don't really want that thing; I just wanted the validation. I'm still deeply on that journey and learning more every day.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Very Very consistently, sometimes multiple times a day. At this point, there are occasionally a few weeks where I don't do anything but most of the time, almost every day.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: For me, feelings help me stay consistent with the work. If I'm triggered or upset about something, I can go to work and almost guarantee I'll work through it in that DI, or I'll get really close to getting to the root of it within the week. It's such a dopamine boost it feels easy for me to want to stick to. If I'm just doing it because someone told me to, I'll never stick to it (looking at your gratitude journals). So I only do it if I feel energized by it and want to work through something, and if I'm honest, there's always some little something irking me I could work on.

But ultimately, this work makes me feel better, and I can only be consistent with things that do that. I'm also trying new things or growing out of my comfort zone a lot, and between that and that huge list of blocks I mentioned earlier, there's always something to work on.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @arielimanrose

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: I LOVE incorporating other modalities into this work. I take out my favorite parts of EMDR, Psych-K, and other healers I've seen and can easily use them in the DI's for a more tailored experience. Sometimes I need emotional healing, sometimes I need to feel a deep feeling and watch it shift, sometimes I just need to interrupt a thought, and sometimes I need to reprogram a deep belief.

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