Clearing My Debt With $10k Left Over

Name: Lexi Streu

Where do you reside?: Canada

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to two Canadian parents with mixed German, Polish, Italian, and British backgrounds. When I was two, we moved overseas for my Dad's job and lived as expats in California, Angola, Nigeria, and Indonesia. I'm settled back in Calgary now but manifesting a big move in the next few months :)

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 


-Branding & Self Promotion for my business that was authentic to me

-Living pain-free after 3+ years of almost daily headaches

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I cycle between How to Manifest, Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, and Unblocked Money. According to TBM's recommendations, I like to go back to the basics and then do them "in order" (hello, perfect student tendencies). Lately, I have been working through Money journaling prompts and then picking a random DI from the library based on what I feel is coming up most prominently.

Having my boyfriend join me in the Money workshop was really powerful and validating - I don't have anyone in my life to share this work with, and it was so fun experiencing it alongside him so that I could have someone to reflect with. I also sometimes spend 1-2 hours a day on it, so I felt like I had to prove that I wasn't just wasting time away (lol)

What expanders did you find?: Dr. Cailin O'Hara and Dr. Chloe Banales are two incredible women in the same field as me that were so expansive as I started out in practice. Lacy, of course, is so expansive in owning what you are here to do and being unapologetic in carrying that out. Two other female practitioners that I have worked for/with in the past are still very motivating for me. And then, process/supported episodes where members would talk about their large money manifestations.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: As the money manifestation came closer, I was being tested a lot on whether or not I would "put in the work" to get to that next level or just settle for where I'm at. I have a habit of just accepting what was given to me, and that was tested in that there was an opportunity for more - if I just put in a little work, stayed in my worth, and asked for it. I also have a huge tendency for procrastination, and this was tested several times, but as soon as I demonstrated that I was taking the initiative for the things that mattered to me and not putting them off, it came in.

For the business/marketing side of things, I was tested a lot in body image and critiques of others. I have a bad tendency of living by the approval of others, and it took a lot for me to put myself out there in social media and website design - especially when it involved pictures of myself. There were mini-tests of having photos taken and my immediate reaction was negative, but I slowly started to reframe the judgments of my (and other's, to be honest) physical bodies. I worked at detaching my worth from my physical body and getting to a deeper level of understanding what I was here to offer. I am still constantly being tested with the opinions of others, but learning more every day that I'm not here to please everybody, and my work and my healing will reach the people it's meant to - and that it is not meant for everyone.

In terms of the healing manifestation, that is still something I am working with every day. Still, the biggest tests are whether or not I'm ready to let go of other's expectations and instead listen and follow exactly what my body is wanting. I get really caught up in other's habits, lifestyles, etc, and think mine should be more like theirs - but as soon as I continuously get still and can hear what my body is asking for, the headaches go away.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, a couple of weeks before the financial manifestation, it was just quiet. It might have been more of a rut, but it just felt like nothing was happening and I was kind of lost as to where to go next.

The same went for the business branding. For so long, I wanted it to come to fruition, and it just wasn't coming. I would feel this massive knot in my stomach every time I sat down to work on it. Finally, when I stopped coming at it from the perspective of "what will others think of this" "what does everyone want to see," it just flowed out of me. I was able to do everything myself, despite having no skills or formal training in the area of social media/marketing.

The longest magic dark feels like the chronic pain/headaches that I suffer from. I had been to every doctor, specialist, had MRI's, bloodwork, alternative therapies out the yin yang, and nothing was making a change. As a Doctor of Chinese Medicine starting out my practice, I felt like an imposter. If I couldn't solve my own health concerns, how would I ever treat other people? This lasted for months until finally, I just accepted I might be living with this and that I could change my life around it. Every day I started asking, "how do I need to live to serve myself now" but also "what would today look like if I was living pain-free".. and then living this out. Slowly the headaches are becoming less frequent and less severe.

How did your manifestation come through?: The money came through a car accident settlement that I didn't really realize was happening. I was coming to the end of the course of treatments for the accident and suddenly was offered this huge sum of money - exactly enough to pay off my credit card bills and have 10,000 leftovers (the original amount I was calling in). The branding and self-promotion just suddenly started happening one day, and within a week, I had an Instagram and website built, and shortly after that, a blog. I had to be the one to take action, but it felt effortless when the right time came.

Living pain-free and dealing with the headaches is still something I'm working on, but it's far better than it was a few months ago. I was really resistant to getting an MRI done, which I think stemmed from fear of finding out what "could be." I also had to get to the bottom of my 'pride' and realize that I can be imperfect and still be really good at what I do. Finally, I had to surrender and realize that I would be loved, I would be okay, and healing was possible no matter what my outcome was. And I wasn't betraying my medicine (TCM) by utilizing an allopathic modality - I was making space and acceptance for them to exist synergistically. My state of health didn't mean that alternative medicine wasn't effective.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Branding - 3 months, 10k - 4 months, Headache Resolution - 6 months + working

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: 4-5 times a week, but fitting them into my schedule, not the other way around. Approaching them with excitement and reverence rather than a chore or strenuous process started to make all the difference.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: It's funny actually, I feel like it's the framework through which I see everything now. I am constantly catching myself feeling triggered or reacting in an in-authentic way. When I want or buy something, I always see which (if any) part of my authenticity I fit it in. When I feel judgments of others, or I see them coming from someone, I always try to think of the root of their existence. I was also really caught up in doing it "right," but as soon as I gave myself permission to do it my own way, jumping around to different parts with ease and creativity, it seemed to unfold easier. I was always about 'getting to the end, but allowing myself freedom makes the process just as enjoyable as the results.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @drlexitcm


Passing A Major Test Before Launching My Business


Necessary Healing & Small Reminders To Keep Manifesting