Passing A Major Test Before Launching My Business

Name: Leigh Ann Lindsey

Where do you reside?: Laguna Niguel, CA

What is your cultural upbringing and background? A traditional christian family raised me in Southern California. After university, I really began questioning and working through so much of the conditioning and social norms I had grown up with. TBM played a big role in this!

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: When I started with TBM in 2019, I was really calling in a podcast and thought it would take me so long to launch it. Within six months, the podcast was launched! I was also manifesting profound shifts in my romantic relationship, leading to a huge rock bottom (see below). At one point, I was manifesting a job, a new apartment, a roommate, reasonable rent, and it all came through. I started manifesting my own business in January of 2021, thinking it would take months to launch, but by May, I had registered the LLC, found my perfect office space, set up my website, social media channels, etc.! This included many smaller manifestations like an office space near the coast with good parking, rent under $1,000, kind and easy landlord, cozy and welcoming space. 

Within two weeks of looking for a space and a lot of people telling me I could never find it, I was signing the lease on the absolute perfect office space. I was also manifesting all of the furniture and decor for the office space. I found every piece I was looking for. There was even a moment when all my furniture was delayed for about 16 weeks (and my office opening was two weeks away), and like magic, the next day I checked and all my furniture would arrive within one week. These were the biggest manifestations by far, there were many smaller ones along the way, and now I am manifesting aligned clients and a closer community here in Orange County, CA.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: How to Manifest, Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Money, Rock Bottom, Uplevel (multiple times), Unblocked Full Moon (regularly).

What expanders did you find?: A lot of expanders from listening to podcasts, a few TV shows, and a few individuals on social media. The last year or so specifically, I have really been drawn to women who have multiple businesses, are well-known for their different endeavors, and are very open about the obstacles they ran into along their journey. I also have been really drawn to reality competition shows like fashion competitions, glass blowing competitions. It sounds strange, but I find myself so inspired and motivated to see these individuals who are so creative and passionate about what they are doing. 

I am a very visual learner, so watching shows or videos was the most impactful for me. Midge from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is another example of a fictional character that completely inspired me, especially during my rock bottom. I really do think I manifested each of my expanders as each one came into my life right when I needed them.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I'm noticing a pattern that so many of my tests are about trusting my intuition vs. listening too much to the input from those around me. So many of the manifestations that came through were when my intuition was telling me to do something, and those around me were saying the exact opposite. I chose to trust my intuition and the manifestations always came through so quickly. A big test in early 2020 was in my romantic relationship. After several conversations voicing my concerns, nothing changed, and my intuition told me I had to end the relationship with my fiance. I sat on that for about four months before finally (heartbreakingly) ending it. 

After this, a new job, new apartment, and roommate all came through in just a few weeks. Another BIG test was when I was working for another company in 2020 and was offered a raise to a managerial position. The owner of the company didn't mention anything about a pay raise. After doing my research, I brought it up and shared with them the minimum amount I would be willing to accept the position. The owner and others delayed for over a month in getting back to me (during which time I was already fulfilling the new position). After a month, they rejected my offer. 

I then responded that I would be unable to accept the new position and would be happy to resume my previous position. They were completely shocked. At this point, I was already manifesting my own business, and I think passing this test was massive as a month later, I left that company and was actively preparing to launch my business! There were several other big ones as well that I would love to share.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: June of 2021 was definitely a magic dark for me. I had found my office and spent May designing it, preparing my website, giving some free sessions to family and friends, and then June hit, and it was crickets. So many triggers were coming up and fears which I was taking through TBM and then my own service EVOX (bioenergetic + biofeedback technology to work with the subconscious). Even though my spirit knew that everything was going to fall into place, there was a lot of stress building up and fears of "what am I doing, what if no clients come, etc.). Then in July, I kismetly got accepted to a local pop-up in Lido, Newport Beach, attended the pop-up, and it was a huge success, and I now have several new clients because of it! 

Then clients started coming in from previous podcast interviews I had done (on my podcast), and an IG live that I was interviewed on. Every client has been exactly what I was manifesting in terms of commitment and attitude, and I really feel the momentum building slowly but surely. But June was absolutely a magic dark, and I could feel the Universe asking me, "How much trust do you have?"

How did your manifestation come through?: In 2020, I manifested a new job in integrative medicine (after losing my job due to pandemic), a new apartment in the perfect location (just 5 min from work) with a great roommate and affordable pricing, a new car that was exactly what I wanted and affordable. Then came the close of 2020, I manifested the exact change in my previous relationship that I was wanting. In 2021 I manifested my business launch, finding the perfect office space in Dana Point, CA, with great parking, the kindest landlord, unbelievable pricing, and no credit check to get approved! People told me that because the business was just registered a few months ago and had no credit history or even income, no one would ever lease to me.

 My intuition was telling me to go searching for office spaces, though within two weeks, I signed the lease for my new office space. The landlord said they are old-fashioned and don't do credit checks; rather, they will go ahead and lease to you if they connect with you and like you. My friends and family were blown away. Then it was all the furniture and decor for the space that was going to be delayed for 16 weeks and magically arrived in just one week, the pop-up in July, and so many other little things!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: So many manifestations came through, the longest one took about six months, but others came through in a matter of days to a few weeks.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Daily for about a year and a half and then a few times a week since then.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: So, I integrated this work with EVOX (perception reframing technology) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping). During the DI's, I will use the Tapping technique to tap on various meridians points to calm the conscious brain and halt the fight or flight response. Then, whatever the most prominent issues that were coming up during the courses and DI's, I would take through an EVOX session for even deeper subconscious clearing and integration.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @leighannlindsey

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: I really think using the tapping during the DI's was super profound in helping even more subconscious thoughts, feelings, memories come up. Likewise, once I started using the EVOX, I noticed old patterns clearly so much faster. Subconscious beliefs were coming up even clearer after a TBM session, and it really felt like those two tools combined with TBM made manifestations come through so quickly and effortlessly.


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