Multiple Manifestations During the Manifestation Challenge

Name: Maggie Magnetic

Where do you reside?: Toronto

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I've been working to resolve a tricky situation that resulted in about $6k finally coming through. I also found some Chloe boots for under $500 (originally $950) and the Apple Watch I wanted for less than $300. I've also lost 10 lbs thanks to the support and resources I called in (Noom, guys, for real). The boots were on my list but by the time I found them I didn't want them anymore!

There is a lot more on the list, but this all happened during the span of the Challenge.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Really flexing Trigger DI, Health & Body, Magnetic Self, and Deservingness & Abundance. I like to process my Tests through the prompts in How to Manifest and the Tests DI from the Library.

What expanders did you find?: Social Media is really expansive for me as I don't have many expanders around me IRL. I take accounts that might have previously triggered me and re-frame them as a guide to the things I want, the things that bother me, the things I maybe don't actually want, etc.

I find very strange expanders like the cat I tragically lost a year ago came to me as an expander for being alone or Facebook marketplace for affordable gear. I really am starting to believe anything is possible. The world is truly nuts right now and that's kind of all the expansion I need.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: So many. This is where the flower remedy helps, though. It's very intangible, but I believe the Remedy helps me be less reactive, more grounded, and more confident in very subtle ways.

I passed many tests along the way. Most of them were other people's reactivity or commercial incompetence calling for me to have patience and grace. I used up huge chunks of my journal instead!

Radical honesty is something I've been working on since I joined the pathway six months ago, and it hasn't been easy. I think it's really important to call yourself out on your bullshit: give yourself the advice you'd give your best friend.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, absolutely. This was a different energy than the rock bottom I just clawed my way out of. During Rock Bottom, I spent a lot of my energy coming up with solutions to the problem at hand. I've been calling in income which is a little harder to live without. When that shifted to the Magic Dark, I had plans for LATER and was waiting on a solution for now. In two weeks, it was resolved.

How did your manifestation come through?: I took "surrendered action." For the smaller items, I searched e-commerce sites and the fb marketplace. They showed up so fast. I'm very magnetic around objects. For the money, it was more difficult for me. I'm so blocked here. I followed up, put out feelers, applied for so many jobs I didn't think I'd get, donated anonymously to local charities serving the unhoused, gave cash to people on the street, treated myself if I could to something I wanted even if it was just a coffee, tested my magnetism with small asks, talked about my situation to anyone who'd listen, etc.

Basically, I followed my every ping.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: The small items came really quick — days. The money was a 2-3 month process.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: The big changes started coming when I was doing them daily or even twice daily. Also, when I started treating triggers with DIs and processing specific situations or emotions instead of the workshops (which are so important for building the foundations and clarity).

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I journal every day, even if it's just one line or I won't have time to DI. Sometimes the journal prompts actually give you the clarity you need. I also listen to the Podcast a LOT.

I fall asleep to DIs in addition to my Daily Practice. They're so soothing!

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @limited.nobility




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