Working With the Universe To Build My Trust Muscle

Name: Kirsten Hedden

Where do you reside?: Pennsylvania

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Grew up with a single mom, a blended family, abandoned by not only one father but two (my trauma!), poverty, and worked my way up through college and corporate America.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I have many things on my manifestation list, but the specific thing on my testimonial was renovating my home. It has many run-down areas and is a blank template to make my own. I received a clear message during authentic code work that to call in my other aspects. I needed to show myself that improving my home was financially possible with ease. I mapped out in my list each room and added some specific features beginning with my foyer and hallway. The list is extensive, but this manifestation is me literally working through deservingness to show myself that I can have nice things and deserve a beautiful and peaceful space. My intuition is telling me that as I embark on this journey, other manifestations will roll through. It's wild.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've gone through How to Manifest, Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow (on pause due to joining Challenge), and the Manifestation Challenge. I also found that a person from my past is also a Pathway member which was itself an expansive opportunity to unblock my mind from thinking "am I crazy to think this will work," and so there is a buddy in here with me that I actually know and that immediately eliminated that doubt.

What expanders did you find?: Barefoot Freedom Yoga (my personal Expander). Lacy Phillips (She is a Projector and I am as well). Monica Rodgers (Podcast: Revelation Project), and my dear, dear friend Hilary Shaun - who is a Starseed and just an amazing free spirit who has helped me expand what is possible in life and that I truly can believe in the magic of aligned living. I try to listen to uplifting podcasts about other women discovering their femininity and rocking the spiritual path alongside motherhood. I read stories of people getting money out of the blue for this specific manifestation - like lotto winners, surprise refunds, winning sweepstakes, etc.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I think coming to the manifestation itself was my test. I faced doubt numerous times, and each doubt I told to go away and kept walking forward. I did not allow things to bother me, nor did I give in to my long-term desire to control outcomes. I really went into the allowing and trust, which I think was the test.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I did not have a magic dark with this necessarily - I am going through a divorce, which maybe could be a low point, but my perspective on that is more about opportunity and wanting to be kind through the experience.

How did your manifestation come through?: I hired a painter to remove the wallpaper and paint for me. I had initially thought of "DIY," but I actually hate painting and was resisting hiring it out because I thought it was too expensive. After trying for 8 hours to remove wallpaper with a steamer, I said - HECK NO, I'm getting this done and committed to hiring someone. This is outside the comfort zone for spending money and was $1000 at once, which was triggering. Once I committed to the painter, we scheduled it before the holidays, and he had to cancel due to COVID, but I did not allow that to bother me.

I went forward cheerfully and rescheduled. Honestly, doing it before the holidays would have been so stressful with traveling, children, and decorating (the universe knows me so well!). On the date of the reschedule, I went to pull cash out of the ATM for payment, and directly beside the ATM was a lotto vending machine. I have never used one before, but I felt what I believe was a PING to buy two tickets. I was going to simply buy the one-dollar ones, but a voice inside said - no buy the big ones, and I bought a $20 ticket and a $30 ticket. I took these home, handed the cash to the painter, and went to my room. 

I found my Pyrite pendulum and meditated over the tickets for a little bit before using the pyrite to scratch off the numbers. The first ticket was a winner for $50 (the exact price paid for both tickets). I would have been happy with just making my money back. But I continued. The next ticket uncovered the number 33 (the first one also had 33), which is my number sign for the right path. And lo and behold - I won the PAYDAY, which indicated I won all the monetary prizes on that ticket, which equaled $1000 - the exact amount that my hallway cost to have wallpapered and painted. I know clearly that the universe was telling me - "See yourself, believe in yourself, and let's create together." This was such a big boost for my trust muscle - up to this point, I had only been asking for small tokens like feathers, purple cars, and coins and coincidences, which all helped me build that trust.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: This process took about three months from conception to manifestation.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I do 3-4 DI every week and listen to the podcast daily. Every day I'm doing something in this work, be it a workshop, a podcast, journaling, or looking at my list.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I end up doing this at night, and sometimes I do fall asleep, but I believe that showing up every day is the real key. I'm a tired working mom going through a divorce, but I make it a priority. On special weekends I will also draw a bubble bath and sink into a DI while I soak, and that feels soooooo yummy and wonderful.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @333SoulFeathers

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: I just want to express the gratitude I feel that I have found this Magic. I know the woo-woo is being dispelled with the neuroscience and Dr. Tara as well as Lacy's practical side but the allowing for the magic makes my Virgo Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Scorpio Rising seriousness relax - I've found a way to play in the practical of life and that is giving me back the play that was missing in my childhood due to so many traumas. Knowing that there are others who have been through the fire and come away happy, healthy, and free is so amazing. Knowing my authentic code and repeating it to myself over and over again each day is also so helpful. I will chant it - Beauty, Serenity, Freedom, Connection and saturate my head with it when I'm feeling negative, anxious, or anything other than positive. I don't believe this is bypassing. I can actually feel my brain changing - maybe that's strange, but I feel it. Now, whenever a depression or anxiety arises within me, my natural response is to seek beauty, find something that makes me peaceful, move and feel freedom, or reach out to a loved one and connect. It really really works - I can't celebrate it enough - I AM ALIVE!!!!!! and I'm feeling it ALL!


Multiple Manifestations During the Manifestation Challenge


Standing In Our Worth Led to an Aligned Apartment