Standing In My Worth & Manifesting A New Car

Name: Brooke Barker-Pottle

Where do you reside?: Anchorage, Alaska

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: My cultural upbringing was a very cookie cutter, white American family in a suburban area. Went to church every Sunday. Parents in the middle to upper-middle class. My parents did an excellent job raising us, and yet there are still things all us kids need to unblock and work through in this life.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: A new car! I am not a specific manifestor, but I made a list of the things that were important to me when looking. Either a Subaru Crosstreck, Chevy Trailblazer, or Volvo XC40 (my ultimate dream car). Years 2019+. Had to be AWD. Less than 30,000 miles. Monthly payments less than $300. Headed seats. And, of course, the color had to be white.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I joined the Pathway during the Unblocking Challenge. I have been a fan of TBM for a couple of years now, binged the Podcast, and finally heard Lacy talk about the Pathway enough to jump on the train during the Unblocking Challenge! I have been so thrilled with the Unblock Challenge and the new DI's that came out - I know I will continue using those in my daily practice. The blocks that came up for me started with a lack mentality. On the surface, I was nervous about getting a new car and having monthly payments. I have been lucky in my 30 years of life to never have a car payment. 

But because of that - my cars have always had high miles and just never really fit how I wanted to present myself. During the DI's, I would discover the lack mentality stemmed from my feeling of being inadequate & incapable. The underlying feeling was: "If I am not performing @ 110% at work, all the time - every day, I will lose my job, lose my income, and not be able to pay for this new commitment (car) I signed an agreement on, and overall become a failure." Another block was that I just simply did not deserve this new car. I felt shame around wanting something nice for myself, with the added bonus of thinking people would view me as materialistic for driving a nicer car. Clearly, there was a lot to work through!

What expanders did you find?: Once I joined the Pathway and fully committed myself to work, the expanders showed up left and right. The first was a coworker I have known for almost two years. He is wildly level-headed and smart with his money and purchasing decisions. Literally, the day after I joined the Pathway and started doing the TBM work, he told me about the new car he had built and was having shipped to Alaska! It gets crazier. The car was a new Subaru Crosstrek. It was clear as day to me. I went back to my office and immediately wrote about it in my journal. 

Next was another coworker who, in the past year, had also purchased a new vehicle. I found him as an expander because it seemed like we were similar in our views of spending. His previous vehicle was constantly needing attention and fixing. It seemed like, at the time, he was also on the same page, "I don't really NEED a new vehicle. This one runs & drives, maybe not well, but at the end of the day, it gets the job done." Because of that mindset, it was hard for him to take the step of getting a new one. But when he did take the leap and in the year since his new vehicle has been incredible for him. 

He drives it to work with pride, and there is an overall new life and lightness to his demeanor. Finally, my boss, aka the most magnetic woman I know. She is an expander for me in MANY realms of life. In this instance, it was how she continually trusts the universe to provide. Specifically when it comes to finances and money. It is not uncommon for our conversations to lead to discussions about the TBM work, Human Design, and all related topics. So for me, witnessing how open and willing to receive her with all aspects of life was expanding me. It was helpful for me to witness another woman own her femininity and power of liking and enjoying the "finer" things in life - while seeing the people surrounding her not bash or talk smack about her lifestyle. If anything, they are expanded by it like me! I realized I could also live that way and continually be open to "this or something better."

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: The tests I faced came when I spoke with my parents about wanting to get a new car. I was a little nervous about telling them because I thought they would have a response of "car payments are just a waste of money, that is not a very smart choice, blah blah blah." When actually, they were excited and did not have that reaction at all. My dad said he could look at the car auctions in his state and potentially find something to fix up if it had minor damage, and that could be my new car. This was a test because I knew a car from the auction was not really the vibe I was going for. If that was the route I took, I would always be concerned when driving the car that something would go wrong or be broken, etc... But financially, it seemed like a good idea because then I would not have a monthly car payment. This test was going to be a hard one to pass.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I am not sure I experienced a magic dark. I could be in it right now, to be honest - or it could be on its way... Read below for more explanation.

How did your manifestation come through?: In order to get a new car, I would have to sell the one I had. Another thing I should mention is that I have a hard time listening to my intuition. I am very good at following the instructions of what other people tell me to do or defaulting to the "logical" next step in life, but not the one that feels right for me. I was convinced I had no intuition at all - none. I mention this because, during the Unblocking Challenge, I was really trying to focus on following (or even deciphering) Pings. So when I was driving to work one day, I had the Ping to list my car for sale. The thoughts came through of "Is it the right time? Well, you have family coming into town in a week. Are you going to be able to find a new car by then to drive them around in?" 

All the things to be logical about the decision. The Ping came back, this time with the underlying feeling of "someone needs this car more than you right now." I could not ignore that. So when I parked my car at work, I snapped about 5 of the worst photos and listed them online. Within 30 minutes, I had about seven people asking to come and see the car. Within 4 hours (I was still at work), the car was sold for $2,000 MORE than I bought it for a couple of years ago. Now I had this money from my old car, I was not finding anything online that was in my budget or with all the things on my manifestation list. So I decided to look into building the car I really wanted from scratch and have it shipped here, just like my coworker. When I did that, the car came out to be cheaper than any of the similar ones I was looking at. Now the car I have coming in a few months is exactly what I want, within the price range, with even a couple of "fancier" upgrades I did not put on my list that is going to be a nice touch. (Hello, heated steering wheel in Alaskan winters!)

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: From starting the TBM work, it took about 3 weeks for me to sell my car and then build the new one on its way. I know it will take a few months to get here, but I am fortunate to be in a situation to share a car with. my spouse until my new car arrives.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Almost daily, if not probably 5x / week.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I am still really working on listening, noticing, and following my intuition and Pings. It is a challenge for me to get into that mindset. But doing the DI's daily and allowing anything to come through and be proceeded through thoughts has been helpful. I have been really focused on just letting whatever comes in be, not trying to force it, not judging it, and for heaven's sake, not trying to focus on if I am doing the work "correctly." Trusting the process, trusting my mind and body, has been the biggest challenge and reward.
If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @bkpottle




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