Dating Apps

Q: Am I energetically communicating low self worth by using dating apps? I want to gain experience dating, but sometimes it’s with people who are nothing like my list.

A: It’s all about your worth and what you’re intentionally projecting and communicating with your actions. If you are someone with low worth when it comes to dating, I would absolutely say no to this. It’s too triggering. You’ll find more magnetism and worth in not going on the dates that aren’t right for you. Take inventory of yourself right now to see where you are with that. If you’re a needy person who gets attached very quickly and obsesses, it's not a good idea. It’s going to waste your time and your energy. You’re not going to be in your power. If you’re someone who’s in your power, in your worth, who doesn’t get attached too easily, then it’s about clearly communicating to the Universe through your actions and your intentions. The same goes for dating apps. If you’re wanting to explore people in your power and your worth and you’re wanting to expand, it’s fine as long as you’re intentional about it.


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