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Q: Can someone be both an expander and a test?

A: Expanders and tests often come in the same package. You'll often see tests/expanders come when you're dating, manifesting a house, or career. If one comes through that is everything on your list but it's not the one and it doesn't work out then that was an expander and it was also a test. Don’t get discouraged!

Q: I am successfully passing dating tests, but it feels like I am constantly dumping people and it’s emotionally draining. What do you suggest?

A: Just the fact that you are getting tested means you’ve made progress in your manifestation process and that something/someone is orbiting around you and wants to come through. It sounds like you are not unblocked and expanded enough because if you were the tests would begin to stop. The biggest question you should ask yourself is where do you still feel unworthy of what you want in a relationship? If you are energetically communicating low self worth in any areas of partnership you will continue to project that and tests will continue to come through. Try using the Deep Imaginings™ and ask yourself how you’re still projecting from low self worth and where you need expansion to believe that what you are calling in is possible.

Q: Will the universe punish me for failing a test?

A: There is no wrong step in life. There is no wrong step in manifestation. If you don’t pass a test, then the only thing that will happen is that you slow down the process of what you want to come through and another test comes.

Q: Is it possible to receive tests while in the magic dark?

A: Yes, absolutely. They definitely trickle through. It doesn’t always happen, but if it does, it’s a great sign. Make sure that you’re upping your worth the whole time and you’re continuing to expand.

Q: I ended a relationship three years ago, not because I had fallen out of love, but because my partner didn't want to discuss our issues, or my concerns, or communicate at all. Three years later we met up and things have changed so much it feels as if we are falling in love again. Could it be that I've done so much work on myself in the past 20 months that we've cleared some old looping and baggage?

A: Be wary of the newness of coming back together. If you’ve both done a lot of work and find that you can now get what you need from each other, then it could very well work out. It’s important to be wary of red flags that might pop up. It’s also important to realize that you've done so much work on yourself in the past 20 months regardless and you are operating at a higher vibration. Even if this is a test and he's not the person, your person's coming through. And if he is the person then hold on to the new projection of "I won't accept this unless you communicate.” Don’t lose sight of that.

Q: What does it mean that I attracted someone who was everything I was looking for, but they couldn't reciprocate because of their own blocks? Is this a magic dark, or a test, or am I simply not aligned yet with the relationship I'm seeking?

A: This shows that you have upgraded a lot, so all that means is the person who came through is an expander and a test at the same time. It’s to open up your subconscious belief just a little bit more that it does exist in the world. However, that missing piece of not having the full package just means that it's a test you were supposed to pass. You expanded through this person and you passed the test by letting them go.


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