Opening Up

Q: I’ve discovered a shadow aspect that doesn’t allow me to be seen. How do i reprogram this?

A: As long as that stays in your shadow and you’re rejected by it, it dims your magnetism. In order to own your power, you need to have your full spectrum of human self. If you can be activated by everything in the world, that’s owning your power. Your shadow is playing you like a puppet. It’s keeping you small when something feels really big and grandiose. When you do the work around it and integrate it and bring it back into you, then you accept it and you start to see, for example, that your mother is only that way because she didn’t receive it when she was little. It has nothing to do with her. Doing the shadow work allows you to start accepting your mom and anybody else in the world who is triggering this inside of you. The biggest thing it’s going to do for you is it’s going to allow you to start accepting yourself to be seen. Pick up the book The Dark Side of the Light Chasers and really do the work in it.

Q: What are the energetics behind the fear of being beautiful? I find myself playing small and not wanting to fully embrace my femininity and beauty.

A: You need to do Shadow work around what you picked up about being beautiful – other’s jealousy or insecurity putting you down – integrate and own it. What's usually going on here is that from a young age you wanted to play small because you threatened people with your beauty. Whether it was in school, growing up, or friends; you were so beautiful that they were jealous of you and you just wanted to be loved and liked, so you tried to shrink and hide your beauty, so it didn’t push away what all humans desire – to be loved for exactly who they authentically are. If that's what's going on, you need to do all the shadow work and inner child work around that. The second part can be that you grew up with a deeply insecure mother or deeply insecure sisters who modeled back to you to not be fully in your power. Therefore, you took on the identity of “I have to not be seen.” Even in that case, what's going to be very helpful for you will be Shadow and Inner Child. The more we can embrace what we are authentically and pump up the power around it, the better. The more you can own it through shadow and do all the reparenting around the people who didn't accept you, then the more you can take all your power back and own it so beautifully that nobody will question it and everybody will gravitate to you. You will manifest and be so magnetic because the only thing that everybody desires and what truly creates magnetism is being totally whole and authentically worthy. All beauty is subjective and unique and everyone is beautiful regardless of the shell you live in. It’s all about the subconscious projection!


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