Bee & Pine Pollen Mucuna Delight


I know, I know! We aren’t supposed to drink cold smoothies unless the temperatures are scorching outside. Especially advised against during cold weather. But when in transition, sometimes it’s hard to tell the floor from the ceiling, and it’s important to feed the soul. Smoothies do just that for me, therefore, I’ll carry on against my acupuncturist’s will. And if you’re in the same boat, enjoy! If not, file this away (Pinterest) until summer.

About four years ago, I started to recognize my patterns of transition vs. depression – or any of the like foggy periods that could be mistaken when in transition. When I did become aware that transition was actually the phase I was undergoing, in order to stay as grounded as possible I began to take the opportunity to cleanse (or clean up what I put in my body). Therefore, during times of transition, I omit anything that contributes to anxiety, depression, fear, and so forth. For me this means sugar (even unrefined), alcohol, caffeine (though I don’t usually have either of these anymore), refined grains, cacao and dairy. Everyone is different but I find that when I omit these, I give my digestion a break and I reach more clarity. It’s equally important for me to fold in superfoods and herbs that keep me buzzing and happy such as ashwagandha, bee pollen, mucuna, ghee, bone broth, kitchari, reishi, and much more!

I thought I’d share my tasty treat as of late.


1 c sprouted walnut mylk

Handful of frozen berries (I KNOW!!)

2 tbls whey protein

1 tbls almond butter

1 tbls coconut oil

¼ tsp pine pollen

¼ tsp bee pollen

¼ tsp reishi

¼ tsp mucuna

PROCESS | blend in a high-speed blender for 30 seconds and enjoy.

Manifestation with Lacy Phillips



A Fuck You Fund • Manifestation


A Cloud For Control • Consciousness