Expanded x Ep. 170 - Amanda Chantal Bacon of Moon Juice on Getting Into Balance & Out of Stress
“If you can find balance and that safe space within yourself - there’s nothing you can’t meet.”
Want to learn how to navigate and flow through stress? If you’re an entrepreneur (or want to be), a mother, processing grief, navigating dating while parenting, or delving into your spiritual practice, this episode will be full of support for you.
We’re so excited to welcome Moon Juice founder & author, Amanda Chantal Bacon. Lacy & Amanda cover how she started and grew her company, how they each met their partners, balancing masculine and feminine energy, insights into Amanda’s beauty routine, cosmic consciousness, epigenetics, and more!
We can’t wait for you to hear this one.
Tip from the episode: Stress is like a wave. Let it roll in and let it roll out. Don’t get stuck.
In This Episode We Talk About:
Amanda’s astrological profile and how it aligns with her husband and children’s
Finding “me” time as a mother and businesswoman
Background on how she founded and expanded her Moon Juice company
Channeling and talking to spirit guides!
How she found perspective through grief and losing a close friend
The story of how Amanda met and married her husband, Gregory
Tips on navigating dating as a single mom
How Lacy left her previous partner and manifested Max
Cosmic consciousness, epigenetics, quantum physics!
Updates on Amanda’s businesses and personal health
Balancing masculine and feminine energy
Her skincare routine and beauty tips
Modeling positive body image behavior for her daughter
Amanda’s new book and insight into her writing process
The Pathway - (12-month commitment) - Looking To Start Your Membership? Use code EXPANDED for $20 off your first month of the Pathway or $20 off any ala carte
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In The Episode:
Beekeeper’s Naturals - 15% off with code TBM
Expanded x Ep. 137: Carly Stein of Beekeeper's Naturals on Turning Passion into Purpose
Seed Probiotics - 15% off with code TBM15
Use code TBM10 for 10% off any website Moon Juice product until the end of November 2021.
The Moon Juice Manual: Adaptogenic Recipes for Natural Stress Relief - Amanda Chantal Bacon (book) TBM10 for 10% off
Moon Juice Super Beauty TBM10 for 10% off
Moon Juice Super Hair TBM10 for 10% off
Moon Juice Acid Potion TBM10 for 10% off
Biomat - Use code TBM for a discount
Where To Find Amanda!
Use code TBM10 for 10% off any website Moon Juice Product until the end of November 2021.
Our Offerings:
Looking To Start Your Membership? - Use code EXPANDED for $20 off your first month of The Pathway or $20 off any a la carte workshop.
A La Carte - Not ready for a membership? Try an individual workshop with 3 months of access.
The Basics Bundle - How To Manifest, Unblocked Inner Child & Unblocked Shadow
The Love Bundle - Unblocked Love & Relationships Reflection Mini-Workshop
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Free Clarity Exercise - Journal prompt + 1 Deep Imagining
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