Don’t Convince Others to Stay


An important reminder: anyone or anything that belongs in your life will not have to be convinced to stay - no dog-paddling necessary. If you ever find yourself in this scenario, tempted to do some bargaining and convincing (whether that’s with a person or the universe), stop yourself right there. If you’re experiencing this, reroute that energy to your own self-care and manifestation practice. This may be cheesy but the most healing thing will be to love yourself, choose yourself, & prioritize yourself. This is a flashing neon sign pointing to a block, an area of low self-worth, and it also tells you you will need to work on building your trust muscle. True trust feels like: I know that even if I lose this thing/person, something even better will come along.⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Usually, areas of low self-worth that cause you to dog paddle and grasp onto something not meant for you are deeply rooted in an anxious attachment style picked up in childhood. Attachment theory states the way we attach to our caregivers in childhood will be the way we attach to our relationships in adulthood. Having an anxious attachment meant your caregivers were sometimes attuned to your needs and sometimes not so you couldn’t trust your needs will be met. This lack of trust meant you felt you had to parent please and when you grow up, you might carry the feeling of having to people please to get love or perform in some capacity to get love. These types of major blocks dim magnetism in every area of your life.

Take this through Unblocked Inner Child. Then, because some level of “unlovability” has been thrown into your shadow, take it through Unblocked Shadow as well. Once you unblock this subconsciously, take action steps to instead choose yourself, & find Expanders… you’ll have created so much magnetism in every area of your life. ⁣⠀⠀⠀

Photo by Jordan Whitfield⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Progress, Not Perfection


Don’t Tangle Up Your Worth With Your Productivity