Manifestation Blog
SHAME • #BeAnExpander
Shame is the most universal emotion that connects every single human on the planet. Here are a few ways we can each individually do our own work on healing, integrating, reprogramming, and expanding.
My Manifestations Aren't Sticking • YouTube
What do I do if I keep getting my manifestations but they don't stick, or they quickly dissolve, or they aren't quite right?
Everything that comes into our life is a lesson (which can be a test), expander or both. Let's get into the biggest unexpected ones for me in way of career - inlaws.
Abundance = Spending Money As If You Already Have It • Manifestation
UM...How about don't!!! That's a quick way to get into debt, jaded in manifestation, and feel bad. Let's talk about how to create true abundance and opulence in way of manifestation.
Missed Opportunities • Manifestation
Manifestation Superstation Demystified No. 3: when a manifested opportunity presents itself, you can't lock it down or push it away by "thinking/being positive" or "visualizing". Here's what is really going on.
Why we are obsessed with and inspired by public figures, mentors, celebrities, social media crushes, heroes, people IRL...And how to harness these denied or unmet aspects of self in order to be extraordinary manifestors.