Manifestation Blog
Self-Worth is the Law of Attraction
Understanding the Law of Attraction is understanding the core of self worth.
3 Tools to Go Deeper within the Workshops on Your Own Retreat
Lacy shares her most kismet tools for going deeper into the work.
EXPANDING • Manifestation
Why the spiritual bypass manifestation model of "visualizing" has always failed you. And how expanding through mirror neurons works very quickly to create space for what you're calling in to come through.
Abundance = Spending Money As If You Already Have It • Manifestation
UM...How about don't!!! That's a quick way to get into debt, jaded in manifestation, and feel bad. Let's talk about how to create true abundance and opulence in way of manifestation.
Subconscious & Unconscious • Manifestation
Why has most New Age Manifestation material failed you and I? Very simply, because it only provides surface level tools that focus on the conscious mind