Expanded x Ep. 61: Getting Back to Our Authentic Selves with Katie Dalebout
“If we can start to welcome who we are truly, our true authenticness, and we can get closer to that, watch what starts to happen in your life when you honor that.”
This week’s episode is an episode of the Let It Out Podcast with Katie Dalebout that Lacy was channeled to share with the audience. In this episode, Katie and Lacy dive into Lacy’s childhood, and how this manifestation work came to fruition. Lacy shares some of her own experiences with manifestation, as well as advice for people doing the work now.
In This Episode We Talk About:
Lacy's morning routine now that the seasons are changing
Spending time connecting with the land & Earth
Calling in and downloading a new team, new guests and content for the podcast
Subconscious projection through style
The importance of going at your own pace during the process
How our souls connect to different places and how it affects our physical being
Lacy’s childhood, and the implications of growing up among several different homes
Lacy’s introduction to an alternative lifestyle, via her medium grandmother
Finding authenticity beyond the external
The start of Lacy’s journey when she consulted with her family intuitive
How manifestation first started showing up in relationships for Lacy
How Lacy began honoring her energetic gifts after she started having success with manifesting
How the “think positive” rhetoric can be very debilitating for people and the need to welcome your polarity and negative emotions
Your true authenticity is your magnetism
Ways to connect to your authenticity
What isn’t reinforcing your authenticity, will prevent you from connecting to your authenticity
Importance of creating manifestation boundaries until your trust muscle is developed
Manifesting from our subconscious beliefs, not our thoughts
All of our blocks stemming from childhood (under age 14 or 15)
Shame being the biggest creator of our shadow, and the root of our limiting beliefs
What we manifest is from our formative years when we were shaped by peer programming, media programming, modeling, etc
When we start owning our shame and faults and step into that power
Coming to this Earth as our true authentic selves and needing to develop our “pearls” as we grow from childhood
Lacy’s work being about cracking open the shell we’ve developed around our pearl based on what we were loved for when we were little
Getting rid of authentic traits when they don’t result in love or attention or nurturing during childhood
Manifestation as a lifelong process – when it seems lofty, remember that starting the work is already creating magnetism
The Reparent workshop going through all the phases of childhood
The Shadow workshop is looking at the aspects of self that you’re rejecting
Body image becoming a sense of worth from a young age
Expanders being people you relate to enough and your subconscious registers that you can have or do that too, which creates space for the manifestation to come through
The most successful ways Lacy works through body image
The connection between exposure therapy and expanders
Emotions as a road map to show us where we need to do the work
The energetic difference between envy and jealousy
Journaling as a great way to ground and get clarity
Anyone being able to manifest if they are willing to step up and reprogram everything they’ve learned
When you start to take away labels, you create space where anything’s possible
Lacy’s feminine and masculine style/aesthetic
Not settling as the magnetism for relationships
How your partners serve as a mirror for things you can change
How owning your authenticity, in media, branding, marketing — will draw people in because it resonates with them
How Lacy maintains her authenticity when it comes to social media
Morning routines Productivity: delegate, trim the fat, make sure it’s an absolute yes
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Instagram: @katiedalebout
Website: www.letitouttt.com
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