
“All of us are getting to meet versions of our true authentic selves right now - in different ways”

We had tons of members write in to our monthly Manifestation class Supported (available in the Pathway) with such powerful questions, so we decided to share with the whole community! In today’s special episode Lacy and Jessica answer all of your questions about manifesting during this pandemic. Lacy discusses the permanence of manifestation energetics at this time, and how to find your center. She also walks listeners through how to best navigate issues such as finances, partnership, unemployment, subconscious curation, loss and how to maintain a manifestation practice within the unique experience that this pandemic presents. We hope this episode will be incredibly supportive for all listeners during this time.

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In This Episode We Talk About:  

  • How to approach creativity and creative blocks during this time

  • The idea that our soul core wants don’t change

  • Leaving the stability of a job that does not support one’s authentic code during this time of financial uncertainty

  • Staying motivated with a manifestation practice as this pandemic presents changes

  • Lacy points out how manifestation energetics do not change during a pandemic, just life circumstances

  • Recognizing triggers as tests

  • Maintaining the growth and energetic gifts that this pandemic brings after normal life resumes

  • The energetics around receiving unemployment benefits depending on individual circumstances

  • Manifesting a job in tourism given the limitations that present themselves in the industry at this time

  • Navigating the fear of death and losing a loved one

  • Maintaining trust during these times


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In The Episode

All Workshops Found in: The Pathway 2.0  

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This Week’s #StayInTrust

  • Literally manifested a job that will pay 85k straight out of university today! After feeling like I was hit with a rock bottom this Sunday (isolation, being forced away from a situation, having to move back home for a while). Feeling super magnetic and I know more is to come! Will continue doing the work -  it’s all real. #StayInTrust

  • Last weekend I did Unblocked No and knew I needed to leave my job. Monday night we were temporarily laid off, and operations shut down for this job. How it happened reaffirmed that I was done there. So by Tuesday I energetically decided I was definitely done. The one benefit of this job was the connections I was making with HR at companies willing to invest in wellness for their employees. I knew I could offer corporate wellness solutions for these companies, but didn’t have time to do so.

    For my corporate yoga clients, I started offering virtual company-wide live check-ins (leading meditations and gentle chair yoga, etc to support this new situation). By Wednesday, after deciding I wouldn’t go back to that job, I had 5 companies reach out to me (from referrals) wanting to offer this to their employees! I had 3 booked! So once I said no to the job, I had more connections reach out to me the next day. By Tuesday I was completely done with my job, and on Wednesday I had 5 companies reach out to me! This was such a clear example of how saying no creates magnetism and opens up more portals instantly! I also manifested a free cork yoga mat the same week that I had wanted to buy but was sold out! #StayInTrust

  • Obviously, this is a stressful time for everyone around money, lack, uncertainty, etc. If not for the 14 months of TBM work I've put in, I think I'd be having a much tougher time right now. I've been continuing my daily (sometimes twice daily) DIs, but in listening to Friday's podcast, I heard Lacy mention we should really be going through UpLevel. I routinely do "Reinforcing" from UpLevel, but this got me thinking about really going back into the full workshop. I finished Owning My Code this morning, where a lot of shadow around being "unwanted" came up. I worked through that, and I don't think it's a coincidence that a new copywriting client came through a few hours later. It's the first client to accept my new, massively increased rates for Spring 2020. To be 100% transparent, copywriting is a bridge for me, but certainly, during this time, manifesting opportunity and a flow of money that helps reinforce my trust in the universe is so helpful and comforting. It IS possible to acquire new freelance work during this time; I just want you to know that! #StayinTrust 

We Will Get Through This Together.jpg

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Expanded x Ep. 92: Mark Groves on Navigating Relationships & Self Worth


Expanded x Ep. 90: The Process with Atarah Valentine on Moving Through Rock Bottoms